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A/N- Cover is made by @meha-k :3

"Amelia, go make me a cup of coffee," my mom demanded as she relaxed on the plush sofa in her bedroom.

Nodding, I limped awkwardly into the kitchen. I think my stepdad broke a rib this morning after I accidentally burned the pancakes. It was a careless mistake; I had turned my back on the stove for just a minute to wash the dishes. Sighing, I picked up my mom's favorite mug and the coffee pot, pouring the coffee carefully. As I opened the place we kept the sugar, my hand hovered over the cinnamon.

She'd deserve it. An allergic reaction would be nothing compared to what she's put me through. Typically, I wouldn't dare do such a thing, knowing what my stepdad would do to me, but to be honest, I'd rather die than keep living like this. I hadn't had any food in days and I was so exhausted it seemed like I might collapse soon.

Fuck it. It's not like I have anything to lose. I added a pinch of cinnamon, and sugar as always. If I'm lucky, that'd hide the taste of the cinnamon. Carefully, I handed the mug to my mom. "Now go mop the floors, and make sure you don't miss a spot," she snapped, not seeming to care I can barely stand.

Sighing, I took a bucket of warm water and a mop. After mopping the dining room and living room, I was panting hard and everything hurt, and I hadn't even started on the bedrooms.

Making my way to my mom's bedroom, I peeked inside. She was lying on the sofa, the mug on her nightstand. She's probably taking a nap. I started mopping quietly, not wanting to wake her up.

As I finally got to the sofa, I saw that her body was covered in angry, red rashes that were much more severe than I expected. "Mom?"

She didn't move. "Mom?" I shook her gently.

Something's not right. "MOM?!" My hands shaking, I looked for a pulse. Nothing.

Oh god. Oh my god. She can't be. I just added a pinch. I'm only 13, I can't go to prison. How am I supposed to live knowing what I did? My legs gave way and I collapsed on the carpet.

Ok, get it together. My stepdad is going to be back soon, I can't stay. Adrenaline kicking in, I ran to my room. Taking my backpack, I shoved everything I owned inside: some tops, pants and my diaries. Zipping up my backpack, I took one last look at my mom and left.

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