Scene Twenty

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Wishful Thinking

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Wishful Thinking


I'm seated at my desk in the staff room, trying to occupy myself with grading my students' tests and assignments but my thoughts are straying away from my work and dwelling on the incident that happened back at the apartment, and I can't help but feel worried. 

It's probably nothing, is what I've been telling myself since I got here. I keep telling myself that Feenyx is probably overwhelmed by her work as a secretary. I mean, I did walk in on her sleeping while her laptop was on her laptop. Try to add that with her working as my co-teacher, you can imagine the pile of work she has to deal with.

My train of thought is cut short when my ears pick up indistinct chatter coming from the entrance.

"Where is everyone?"

"Who cares? We have the whole staff room to ourselves."

I look up and Sid and Vinny sauntering towards my direction, each holding two cups of coffee. "Wazzgood, Urie! We brought you some coffee." Sid greets with us a grin.

"Thanks," I reply, graciously accepting the cup and taking a sip.

"Where's Feenyx?" Vinny asks. "I thought she'd be with you."

"At home. She's not feeling well." I tell him.

"Oh damn." Sid frowns concerned.

"Ah, man! Right when we bought coffee for her." Vinny whines.

"She'll end up throwing it away and say that it's lukewarm no matter how many times you tell her that it's hot," I tell him. "She held the up the line arguing with the barista over it one time."

"Well then. More coffee for me." Vinny comments. "That reminds me, have both of y'all made up?"

"Made up?" Sid crows confused.

"They fought after he told her that he and Toni fucked." Vinny informs him.

Sid throws an incredulous look at me. "Dude! You had sex with Toni while she's engaged?!"

"Shh! No need to announce for everyone to hear." I hiss. "And to answer your question; yes, I slept with Toni and that's as far as I'll go 'cause I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay, but like, isn't that against the bro code or something?" Sid asks. "Jesus, man! Sleeping with another man's woman while they're engaged? That's fucked up."

"Not like the man in question even cares enough to keep his woman," I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"Still though. He drew the line when he put the ring on her finger and yet somehow you crossed it with no sense of guilt." Sid points out.

"Dude, you're acting like it's the first time he slid the shlong into the cave. He's been doing it for two years." Vinny reminds him.

"Well damn! Talk about having zero fucks to give." Sid comments.

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