-The Landing-

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-draft lol-

Chaos was falling.

He plummeted through the air, extremely confused as to why the fresh, sparkling fuck he was descending through the sky on some unknown frontier. He didn't know why he was falling- he didn't know where he was before this, either. Okay, he needed to focus. What did he know? He knew his name was Chaos. He knew he was terrified of heights. He knew the ground was rushing at him, coming from maybe 200 yards away. He knew he was scared, terrified, petrified, alone. He wished he had wings, he wished he had wings, I wish I had wings, he mentally screamed, as the wind threw his body about every witch way.

Suddenly, giant wings sprouted out of Chaos's sides. One was scaled like a dragon's, and one was feathered. They were both black with blue highlights, the feathers and scales glinting teal and navy and aqua and cyan. Chaos's eyes widened, tears of bewilderment, fear, wonder and every other emotion known to man-(or whatever he was now)kind prickling his eyes.

The wings changed the aerodynamics of his fall, slipping him under them so they were spread out at their full span above him, while he laid at the bottom, suspended in the air. All alone, in the sky, he had a vague sense of being safe. It was night, and looking up through the tunnel vision of his wings, he could see the stars so well. All of a sudden, he stopped being scared. He could stay here forever.

And then, with a rush of buildings, lights, and people, he crash landed, the serenity of his fall ripped away from him. He lay there, eyes closed, wings splayed. "Ugghhh... what. the. fuck..." he muttered. He must have been doing drugs. He couldn't remember anything, but that's normal, for cocaine anyway, right? He made a mental game plan: wake up and stop doing cocaine. Or speed. Or meth. Whatever.

"What is that?" "I think it's another one of those 'felled ones'-" "Fallen ones, Crystal. But why do they have two different kinds of wings?" "Stay away from that person, baby." A chorus of voices coming from the aforementioned townspeople made themselves known to Chaos. He squinted open his eyes and looked up. It was bright- too bright. Why did he have to stop falling? Why were all of these people all looking at him? He slowly stood up and brushed himself off, his wings limp behind him.

"Er... could anyone point me to the nearest bathroom?"

Silence from the townspeople. Some were frozen in place, eyes wide, feet planted, and some were backing away slowly. That's when it registered with Chaos that they all had wings, just like him. Some were splashes of blues and pinks, some were gradients, some were white- there was a unique pair of wings there for every unique snowflake in the world. However, none of them had both scaled and feathered wings, like himself, though both kinds could be seen in pairs. Chaos shook his head. Why did he have to have done those drugs?

"Right... I'll just be going now, then. Uh, bye?" Chaos said. He turned to run away, but he was blocked by a herd of citizens. He spun in a full circle, but he was surrounded on all sides by people whose expressions varied from hatred-filled to terrified to starstruck. The dire-ness of his situation was starting to get to him. He didn't know what to do. He looked down- why couldn't the ground just open up and swallow him whole? It wouldn't be that out of line with everything else that was happening to him. Wait. The ground couldn't swallow him up, but... he had wings, right? He could try to fly up; no one had thought to block him from upwards yet, for unknown reasons totally unrelated to his flying skills. So he clumsily spread his wings, almost falling over from the weight of them, and flapped once. Suddenly, he was thrown into the air, caught off-guard by the strength of his wings. He didn't have much control, though, and he was mindlessly flailing about in the air as he tried to get his bearings. The townspeople gasped, and backed farther away. Chaos started frantically beating his wings, causing him to ascend higher into the air.

He was rising higher and higher, scared to stop flying and risk falling back into the village. He was being thrown around in every possible direction. During a loop-de-loop, he glanced up- Oh No. A group of people-presumably from the town he was just in- were flying at him from above, looking extremely menacing. If he wanted to get away, he needed to get his head together, and quickly. Out of the blue, an idea struck him. He stopped moving his wings, positioning them so they stuck out at full length at either side of his person. He started falling, but more slowly than last time. He felt a wind current at the tip of his left wing. That was good, he assumed.

-Random switch to first person because yes-\

I leaned into the wind, knowing that birds often used currents when they needed to fly. I can use that. I'm slightly larger than a bird, but I don't have a ton of options at the moment. Yes- it was working! I could feel the breeze gently propelling me forward. I was still going down, though. I couldn't let that happen. If I let myself meet with the stony ground of that village again, I was screwed. Those people were clearly unfriendly. I glanced over my shoulder- Fuck. The group of winged supposedly-humans were catching up with me. I had to act fast. I cautiously raised my wings, and rapidly started falling. I slammed my wings back down, and rocketed up and forward again. I thought I was going to throw up. That would offset the people flying behind me, wouldn't it?

Hold on- I can use that. Not the throwing up- that can be plan B. Raise the wings, plummet. Force them down, fly forward. I started repeating these steps with less vigor- I.E. less brain damage from going from 0 to 500 miles per hour. I flapped my wings faster and more rythemetically- scary murder people still directly behind me, so. I was getting the hang of this! What the fuck was going on?

I looked over my shoulder. I was gaining distance from the townsfolk. "SO LONG, MOTHERFU-"

I flew directly into a tree. 

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