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Mitsuris POV
Hmm i wonder if i should go see shinobu yeah she was mean but like maybe somethings wrong idk but i really need to talk with her because she never acted like this! Hmm but i kinda wanna bring her something Oh i know! I'll get her some sweets! Sweets always make people happy and in a good mood -I get ready and walk to the grocery store thats not very far from where i live and then i walk to shinobus house to surprise her- (why am I feeling a little nervous.. Eh whatever I'll just knock!) -knocks quickly sees no one opens the door- hm.. Maybe they didn't hear me because i knocked too fast -knocks again and shinobu opens the door-
Shinobu:Mitsu- I mean HEY LOSER!! (Ugh why'd i say that..)
Oh uhm hey! U think u can let me in-
Kanae:shinobu who's at the door??
Shinobu:just a classmate thats all..
Kanae:hm? OH ITS MITSURI! HEY! Shinobu i thought u and mitsuri were friends
Shinobu:W-We are
May i come in?
Shinobu:Of course..
-i smile and pass inside shinobus house and then we go into her room-
Shinobu:-blushes a little- what are u doing here..?
I came to visit u! Anddd i brought uuu CHOCOLATES!! -laughs- and u know i kept thinking about what i said and im sorry u aren't a bully u probably are going through a lot so i came to talk to u and apologize
Shinobu:what do u mean! N-Nothing is wrong i am a bully u know!! So u should just go u shouldn't have came here!! U- U LOSER!
Oh.. So u were being mean on purpose??
But why.. Did i do something wrong..?
Shinobu:JUST GET OUT!!
O-Oh okay well here keep ur chocolates I'll get going now -i leave her house trying to hold tears and then i felt drops on my head- (shoot its raining.. I didn't bring an umbrella..!!) -and then thats when i felt someone grab my hand-
Kanae:u didn't hear this from me but shinobu told me to give u this umbrella!
oh thank u.. (Shinobu?? But i thought she was mad..)
Well tell her i said thanks! Kanae:ofc I'll make sure to tell her now be on ur way it seems like its starting to pour harder!
-i run home- (all i could think about is how mad shinobu was but yet cared enough to give me an umbrella could it be that she still wants to be friends deep down..?)

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