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Third person
Thomas headed up on a rocky face to reach he cliff Teresa was standing on. "You ok?" He asked. The girl turned around and smile sadly at Thomas.

The two start talking. Going deep into conversation. Newt looked up from wher every was with Tilly and Ariel. Then newts ear picked up as he stood up abruptly.

"What's wrong newt?" Tilly asked. The Hybrid moved his head in the direction of the noise. It was Buzzing, and metal slapping along the air.

Then the sound got louder and more people could be able to hear it.

"I'm so sorry Thomas..." Teresa trailed off as WCKD bergs come into sight.  Thomas raced down the hill just as bombs and explosions go off.

A bombs lands near Thomas and he flies backwards. "Tommy!" Newt rushes towards him. As WCKD guards drop down Ariel and Tilly rush over.

"Who did it? Who Snitched?!" Ariel yelled. Thomas gulped. "Teresa why?" Ariels eye twitched as she shape-shifted into a WCKD guard and ran off.

"I hate it when she does that" newt commented. Tilly looks between them. "You guys can do that too can't you? Or your some time of Supernaturals, like derek!" She yelled.

Newt put his hand over her mouth. "If you don't shut up we're gonna be caught and yes, I'm a hybrid and Thomas is what you call a ghost rider" he spoke.

Thomas looked a thim confused. "I'm a what?" He asked. Newt rolled his eyes. "Bloody hell mate. Your stupider now that you've fallen" Newt commented.

More explosions went off. "Well if you guys don't wanna let blow on Supernaturals here. Guns" Tilly held out guns that looked like they were hand made.

"What are these?" Thomas whispered harshly. "Guns! Made them myself." She smiles mischievously and rans off, pulling some type of goggles over her eyes.

Thomas aims the gun at a on coming guard and pulled the trigger. Blue glitter like dust shot out and the guards mask started crushing  up around the head, making the man fall as the mask suffocated the man.

The boys looked at eachother. "She's crazy" Newt said firing at a other man, the same thing happening but with pink glitter. "They do the job!"



Thomas kept his body down watching as Newt gets shoved on his knees beside Tilly. He hadn't seen Ariel in the two hours of WCKD and The right arm fighting.

"Where's Thomas?" Janson growled holding up Newt by the collar his face furious. Newt smiled and cooked his head to the side. "Hopefully far away from you" he growled, his eyes glowing gold as black veins pop out from under his eyes.

Janson dropped him beside Derek, Liam and Scott who were put in silver cuffs, Newt soon was put in them too.

"THOMAS COME OUT NOW OR YOUR FRIENDS ARE GOING TO BE FRIED, FIRST!" Janson yelled whipping out his gun and points it at liams forehead.

The boy was crying, a cut on his Head. Thomas felt sorry for the boy, he looked so innocent

Thomas got out with a bomb detonator in hand behind his back. "I'm here asshole!" He yells. Everyone turns to him as he walks down the middle.

The WCKD guards shoves him down beside Newt. Janson grabbed his Jaw and laughs. "Not so strong are ya Ghost rider?" Numbers of gasp sound out. WCKD and Right arm combined.

Unknown to what he was gonna do Thomas hair lights up on fire. The people behind Thomas jump and janson jumps back also, yelling out profanities.

Just as Thomas hair calm down, a guard started attacking Teresa, who originally stood behind the girl. The guard then turns into Ariel as she throws Teresa to the ground.

"GAURDS!" Janson yells. About 10 guards grabbed the girl. She detransformed into a blue lady with yellow eyes not clothing what so ever.

"You bitch! Ugh load then up! Starting with the freaks!" Janson yelled. Suddenly the berg lighting started flashing. It also started sparking.

"Ignore the berg! GET THEM IN!"  The man practically screams. Thomas friends were pushed and shoved they saw Teresa side with WCKD and Tilly wasn't very happy.

"You fucking bitch" She muttered. Teresa gulped. More sparks came from the Berg. Suddenly  a truck came crashing through. Brenda and Jorge yelling.

Thomas hair lights up in flames again and all Supernaturals got ready to fight, blue skin, eyes glowing, claws out.

Explosions and guns.

One of the bergs blew up. No one know how it did. But then the atmosphere changed.

It changed bad.

As Thomas was about to stab a WCKD guard the solider suddenly dusted away.

"What the fuck..." He looks around to see people left and right Dusting away. "What's happening?!" Ariel yelled out almost sounding scared and about to cry.

Thomas turns around and saw janson dusting away slowly. He glared at Thomas. "I'll be back you little shit. And I'll kill you!" He yelled as his face dusted away.

Newt, Tilly and Ariel stand beside thomas. "What's happening?" Newt asked. Thomas decided he would answer Newt.

"I think we're in the endgame now"

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