Chapter 4

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Abby shouted inside Cale's head. He ignored it and jumped down on his horse and approached the old man.

"Are you hurt anywhere? If you are I'll give you a ride at your home and at least let me stay for the night. I'm starving." Cale bluntly said and the old man tried to stood up. Cale offered his hand to old man which he took without hesitation. He felt the red hair's freezing hand. It felt like as if he touched a block of ice.

"You, you're not a mage..." It wasn't a question, more like a confirmation.


The old man named Bob guided Cale to his
Inn. Cale accepted the offer, there's no reason to be suspicious and to refuse when all he can feel is his hunger and the cold.

"Thanks for the meal Bob," Cale said as he finished the warm soup and meat.

"It's nothing much, you saved my life um, what should I call you?" The old man fidget his fingers looking embarrassed as he just remember to ask for the young man's name.

"Cale... Yeah, just Cale," he stood up and rubbed his hands together. "Can I have a warm bath Bob? I'm freezing to death."

"Oh, sure. There's a bath in your room, I'll prepare the hot water." Bob guided Cale to his room upstairs. It was a simple small room with blue bed sheets and a large window. The room was a perfect place to gaze on the moon while drinking wine.

Bob excused himself and Cale took his time in the tub. The hot warm water soon became cold as Cale left the tub feeling better.

"You're a pain in the ass you know." Cale grumbled.

- You just don't know how to control it, dummy.

He dried himself preparing to go to bed when he saw another flash; A black giant dragon flew up in the sky while roaring blue fire destroying everything on its way. He then saw Ron and Beacrox fighting the enormous dragon with the black haired punk who beat him up. Desperation was visible on the punk's face as he glance down at the dying people. As the dragon breathe out another blue fire, Cale saw another flash.

'Abby, do you know how Sura works? I don't like how it randomly shows me scenarios that doesn't make sense.'

- That's how Prophet's powers work, Cale. It'll show you any threatening or important events out of no where. And that dragon you saw... It's nearby.



"It's not like I'm the one who will die why would I care."

Cale then proceed to plan what he would do.

"Cale? Are you still awake?" Bob's faint voice was heard. Cale stood up and opened the door.

"What's wrong?" Cale asked in a empty voice as cold as his ice. Bob smiled then handed the red haired a box. Cale rose an eyes brow at the box, then to the old man.

"My father's grand father's father... Anyway my ancestor hand this cape down. My grandfather said this belongs to person with Ice ability to keep them warm. He told me to treasure it, and when I see a person that uses enormous Ice, I should hand it down to them, for it to belong to them." The old man explained with a nostalgic smile.

"I do not have a son to pass it down to so I was worried, then you appeared," the old man's eyes shone as he look at Cale with admiration. Cale felt a shiver down his spine. "I saw the Ice on a very hopeless day, therefore it must be fate."

- Cale, accept the cape.

Cale looked at the box again and awkwardly took it. "Uh, thank you. I will repay you when I can, Bob."

"No need to, just accepting it and meeting you is the best gift I have ever had." Cale felt his hair on his arms stood to it's ends.

"Alright, have a good night, Bob."

"You too." Bob flashed a sweet smile. Cale closed the door gently and place the box down on the table.

Cale opened the box and a dust spayed on his face.

"Cough, goddamn-" Cale frowned as he covered his nose. He's quite sensitive to dust.

There's a black- no very dark red cape inside. It was almost black but when light hits it, you'd see how red it is. It's almost as red as hair but darker. Cale pulled it out to check it's condition.

It's a red cape with long sleeve, the length reached down below his knees and a perfect hood.

"Ho, It's warm..." Cale mumbled amused.

He wore it without hesitation and the cold feeling disappeared immediately. It was replaced by a comfortable warmth produced by the cape.


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