Chapter two.

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𝗔𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 | 𝟭𝟬𝗮𝗺

I woke up next to Ri. She was still sleeping. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. I got up to use the bathroom. When I came out, I saw Ri getting water. "Good morning", I said. "Morning", she responded. I sat on the couch and scrolled through Instagram. A post on the shade room popped up. It was me kissing Mikes cheek in the lobby. What the fuck. The caption was "Yn and Mike dating ? 👀". "What the hell is this", I said, annoyed. "What", Ri said, sitting next to me. I showed her the post, and she Almost spit out her water. "Who took that picture?", she asked. "Probably one of those creepy fans, that live in the building, who are always knocking at my door." I said. "Omg, have you called the police?" She asked. "Yes, but there is not much they can do about it. That's why I sleep with a knife under my pillow. Just in case they try and break in.", I said. "That's crazy. People these days.", she said, rolling her eyes. I went into the comments and saw that Mike and his friends commented, "Bro, who tf took that" "Wtf is your problem" "L bro, that ain't cool" "Always getting into peoples business, like usual". I left a comment saying, "who ever took that picture can go to hell fr fr."

I was fed up, so I turned off my phone. "Hey, want to go to the mall?", Ri asked, trying to get my mind off the situation. "Sure." I said, getting up to get ready. While I was in the bathroom, doing my makeup, I got a text from Mike. "Morning!", he sent. I smiled before responding. "Wyd today?", he said. "Me and my friend are going to the mall. If you and the boys are not doing anything, you guys can come too." "Yea, me and the boys don't have anything planned today, so we'll come.", he said. "alr bet". I gave him the rest of the information, and finished getting ready. 

𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝘆𝗼𝗿𝗸 | 𝟭𝗽𝗺

As me and Ri we're walking to the mall, we passed by my old job. "Ri come on.", I said, pulling her inside. "why are we going in here? I thought you quit yesterday.", She said, confused. "yea but, I left some of my stuff", I implied. We walked to the back where the work lockers are. I grabbed all of my stuff, which wasn't alot. As we we're walking out, we we're stopped by my one and only ex boss. "well look who it is, the little princess and her friend.", Chris said. "Oh no, but wheres your little boyfriend? Yep, I saw that post on the shade room.", he laughed. I started laughing too, which caught both Ri and Chris off gaurd. "Chris, last time I checked, Your ex wife is the one who wanted the divorce.", I said, slowly walking towards him. "And according to her, you desperately begged her to come back. You also sent her video of you ugly crying.", I said, smirking. "How would you know that?", he said. "She sent me the video. so I suggest you back the fuck off, before I post that video everywhere.", I said. My phone dinged. It was a message from Mike. "Hey, we're here, where are y'all?", he sent. I looked up from my phone and smiled at Chris. "And that's my cue, see you around Chris.", I said, walking out the door, Flipping him off. Ri followed behind me. I responded back to Mikes text saying "Running a little late, we'll be there in like five minutes", I sent. 

Once we got to the mall and found the boys, I introduced them to Ri. I noticed Vallyk staring hard  at her. We all decided to split up and meet back up at the eatery. I went with Mike, Ri and Vallyk went together, and Derek and Kobe went their own ways. As me and Mike we're walking, the tension between us was weird, considering what happened this morning, with the post. Neither of us talked. And of course my dumbass tried breaking the silence, by asking the dumbest question. "Have you ever had a dog before?", I said, regretting every decision I've ever made. He stopped walking and looked at me, emotionless. We stared into each others eyes. I was lost. We we're like that for at least fifteen seconds. We both we're snapped out of our thoughts, when we heard gun shoots from the other end of the mall. Everyone started screaming and running. "Shit." I thought to myself. Mike grabbed my arm and started pushing through the crowd. I tripped over someone's foot, being the clumsy bitch I am. Mike turned around and picked me up bridal style. Once we got outside, he put me down. "Come on", He said, grabbing my arm once more. But I pulled back. "What about the others?", I asked. "Yn, we don't know how many shooters are in there, or where they are." "We can't just leave them, what if they've been shot." I said. "If we stay here, we'll be shot. Now stop being stubborn and come on.", he demanded.

We went to my Apartment since it was the closest. When we got inside I immediately called Ri, praying that she will pick up. Mike called the others. Ri finally picked up. "Thank god your ok. Where are you?" I said, relieved. "I'm at Vallyks house, where you?" She said. "At my house with Mike.", I answered. "Ok, well I'm glad your ok, I'll call you later." "Ok bye", I hung up. I looked over at Mike who was leaning again the kitchen counter, on the phone. He soon hung up and looked at me. "Their all ok" he said. I smiled. He sat down on the couch next to me. Once again, it was silent. I looked at Mike who was already looking at me. I stared deeply into his dreamy eyes. We both started leaning in. But right before our lips could touch, there was a knock at the door. We didn't move. We just stared at each other's lips. There was another knock. "I should get that.", I said, still staring at his lips. "Please don't." He said, enjoying the moment. "I'll be back", I said, getting up. Mike sat back aggressively and stared at me, mad. I chuckled. He was cute and scary when he's mad. 

I opened the door and it was a crazy fan with a camera. They started taking pictures of me and Mike sitting in the background. "Oh hell no", I said. The fan tried running off, but I kicked his legs and grabbed the camera. Mike came running to me. I pushed him back inside and locked the door. "What the fuck was that?", he asked, confused. "One of the fans in the building." I answered. "Wait, so that's who took the photo of us?", he said. "Yeah" I said, walking toward the window. I opened it and through the camera out.

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