[☀️] The Delicacy that is Pizza

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"I'm hungry. Y/n can you make something." Frisk bursts open the door. I was in the middle of unpacking while sans had fallen asleep. He remains asleep even after the loud volume Frisk spoke in.

"I'm still busy right now."

"So? Stop what you're doing and make food." She crosses her arms.

"Oh sure and in the meantime you can stop with you moody attitude. -! Hey! Are those my earrings!? And is that Undyne's jacket!?"

"Yes." She closes the door. I hear her muffled voice. "Make food before I fall asleep again."

"Then go back to sleep and starve!" I shout back. I soon realize how loud I was being and shoot a glance at Sans to see if he was still asleep. The guy indeed was.

I had just finished unpacking the few items I had brought up and I decided to do the same for Sans as well. He was never going to anyways.

Might as well go and see what the situation for food is. I am getting pretty hungry myself.

I make my way down to the first floor and find b/n on the phone.

"I see. . . Okay that's fine I'm sure she won't mind you being a day late . . . Yeah see you tomorrow." He hangs up and notices me.

"Y/n there you are. I was talking to u/n just now. He said that unfortunately he couldn't come see you today but expect him to be here first thing tomorrow." He says in a joyous tone.

I internally sigh in relief at the news. I don't have to worry for another 12 hours. But at the same time I was already despising the quick flow of time.

"That's fine."

"So what's brings you here, and where did the skeleton go." He looks around trying to find Sans.

"Sans. Is asleep right now. I was wondering what are we going to for dinner."

"Mmm. I can order pizza."

I feel a rush of excitement at the word pizza. "Yes please! I haven't had that in years!"

He chuckles. "I'll order it then. How much do you think we'll need?"

"Like 10 boxes."

"I didn't know you ate that much." He teases.

"Its not all for me stupid."

"I'm just pulling you leg-" He stops himself. "That came wrong didn't it?"

"Not really, you're fine." These are the small moments where I become conscious of the prosthetic I'm wearing.

He was about to go in his phone again when he stops. "Oh just really quick. I know you don't like taking about the incident, but do your friends know? What happened?" He leans against the kitchen counter.

". . . Only two of them. Sans and Frisk."

"The others never asked you?"

"They did. I told them it was a construction site accident."

"Did Tokyo Ghoul inspire you?" B/n raises an eyebrow.

I rub my shoulder bashfully. "Maybe."

"I think you should tell them." B/n looks out the window.

"I've been meaning to. . ." I look and see how serious his face. "You're not implying that I should tell them tonight do you?"

"Yes, I actually am. Y/n the news about monsters existing is everywhere and you are too since you are ambassador. Especially here in Ebbot City. Your friends will find out one way or another. The question is, would you prefer it be you to tell them? Or someone else?" He held my shoulders firmly. I can only look in shock. He does have a point.

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