Part 4

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31) #Thinkin Someday I'll tell my kids "Just remember they're as insecure and lost as you are, even if they don't express it well."

32) #Thinkin Why are political candidate's religious views a crucial factor when they have nothing to do with their politics.

33) #Thinkin One if the best therapies out there is escaping into a good book. I hope that never goes away.

34) #Thinkin If you're ever in a bad mood, just go watch some videos of babies laughing. It's pretty much guaranteed to make things better.

35) #Thinkin If you cherish the lessons from a loved one, they're never really gone.

36) #Thinkin If you can't take care of a pet, probably hold off on kids. Maybe start at a house plant and work your way up.

37) #Thinkin While it's romantic to marry your high school sweetheart, what's the rush? You've barely had a chance to develop YOU yet.

38) #Thinkin Always being practical and pragmatic is overrated. Go live a little.

39) #Thinkin I may disagree with you and even think you're an idiot, but I will defend your right to be that way. Just return the favor.

40) #Thinkin Being responsible with money is important, but don't let it control your life - on your deathbed you won't need it.

#Thinkin -Chris RuppWhere stories live. Discover now