Internal Tribulations of the Lily - Chapter 1

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Kirari raised an eyebrow, slightly leaning back in her chair. A student had challenged her to an official match, the desperate House Pet chose a game of Chess. Kirari agreed, as she was a master strategizer. Weaving each and every piece into her mind, proceeding to think up tactics with each turn, her mind never faltering. She was constantly pondering how to give her opponent false hope so it would only be more devastating as their 'assured win' was stripped under them with a slight smirk on the President's lips. The utter torture it would bring to them brought Kirari joy in her sick and twisted yet calculated mind.

"How... how did I lose...?"

The student muttered in disbelief, begging the board to reveal its secrets, eyes beginning to pool tears under the stress and utter damage from their loss. They truly were so confused, as everything was going in their favor as of just a few moments ago, they wondered how this could possibly be the true result.

"I'll have a life plan drawn out by the morning. You're dismissed." The president calmly, almost mockingly spited.

"Please! Just give me one more chance Ms. Momoba-"

The student was cut off by the swift movement of Sayaka taking one step towards the cowardice student, "Its President Momobami to you," She hissed, words spitting poison towards the whimpering vanquished shell of a house pet sitting across the table, "You have been dismissed." the purple haired woman finally added with emphasis on the last word.

The student's head hung into their hands as they stood up, eyes planted to the floor, completely defeated. Silent sobs can be heard as the slow steps receded towards the exit. As their hand hit the doorknob, one singular tear splattered the floor like rain on a dewy morning.

"Oh Sayaka," the President sing-songily called out, "Clean this up and fetch me some tea, I'll be at my desk." She stood up pushing her chair back, looking at her secretary in the eyes before turning to walk towards the student council room.

"Yes Madam President." Sayaka responded in a firm manner. She truly loved following Kirari around, attending to her errands, and following her every step. She wanted to understand her inside and out. She loved the power that Kirari held in her actions and words. This alone could break many men down into the waste of human life they were. Reminding them of who they were to the hierarchy of her majesty.

Sayaka POV:

As I cleaned up the chess board, I slightly studied its pieces. Kirari had let the student take her King, both bishops,one knight, and most of her pawns, yet the only piece she had gained from this student was the Queen, bringing the match to an end, declaring her victory. She had taken out the Queen using only one out of her two pawns left. It doesn't make sense, this should be nearly impossible. I shake my head, truly impressed by Kirari's abilities as I pack the board into its box, I can't help but smile to myself, amazed at the President's seemingly effortless work once again. I set the box on the shelf and walk to the student council room on my way to complete my mission as requested by the President.

Upon arrival, I see Kirari was sat at her end seat with a stack of papers to her left and one sheet in front of her, with her ink to her feather pin to her right. She was writing rather quickly. Further inspection of the room showed the Vice President sat at the table, mask over her face, stamping the papers presumably that Kirari was giving her after she had finished writing. All that could be heard is the slight ruffle of papers from which Kirari was writing. I am used to the utter silence, as no one disturbs the President as she was working. I exhaled a breath I didn't know I had held in my chest as I walked to the tea cabinet pulling out 'Earl Grey Black' caffeinated tea. I grabbed the boiling hot water from the kettle sitting nearby and poured it into a white glass teacup. I dropped one sugar in as Kirari usually prefers, stirred it using the tea spoon and began walking towards the twins on the other side of the room.

I sat the cup down within arms reach to Kiraris right side and asked politely, "Ms. Vice President, would you like tea as well?" I put my arms behind my back awaiting an answer.

"No thank you Igarashi-san" The robot voice awoke from behind the mask. I closed my eyes and nodded, sitting down into my chair. As I started to pull out items from my satchel Kirari looked up in my direction.

"I am quite busy today, do you mind writing that students life plan out for me, Sayaka." She sounded out every syllable of my name, oh how it rolled off her tongue drove me insane. My name always sounded so elegant coming from her.

"Yes of course President." I affirmed.

I already had so much work to do I didnt know if I could fit this into my schedule, but I guess I will have to because I couldn't disagree nor disobey a command or question from the woman in charge.

"Great, come to the Momobami residence around 7pm so we can work together." She said as she returned her head to her paper, finishing the last sentence on the page. She slid it over to Ririka and she stamped it.

"O.. of course.. President." I choked on my words. She has never asked me to come to her establishment. Why now? Why today? This isn't an urgent matter. My mind swirls into questions that only pose more questions. I could feel my skin getting warm, I looked down at my hands, they were sweaty and trembling. Why was I so anxious? I click my phone to be reminded that it is only 5pm, I take a deep breath in knowing I have some to go home and get ready to go to the Momobami residence.

Kirari Pov:

These papers are so boring. I think to myself. I am currently writing out the remaining 12 life plans from last week I didn't have time for. My next mission was to schedule meetings with the elders, the council, and one on one's with different students explaining their masterfully excruciating future I have come up with. Yet after that I still had to calculate up how much yen people owed to everyone for the next updated chart of who was to be deemed a housepet which was to be posted by this weekend. I am so mentally tired from my chess match earlier that all I wish to do is jump into bed, but I cannot. Work needs to be done and I simply am not capable of doing so much in so little time. I seldomly as Sayaka to write up life plans, as I like to keep these things between the particular student and I. Plus, it's not for the faint of heart. I only asked for her to come to my residence so that I can help her create this lifeplan, but now I have to be meticulous to make it not too harsh.. I don't think Sayaka would like reading what life I have planned out for others, she would probably quit her job. I snicker to myself internally, entertaining that thought before dismissing it all together.

I finally finish this paper and hand it to Ririka, who promptly stamps it with the "Momobami official - Approved" stamp. I glance at Sayaka as I stand up, readying myself for my trip home. Why is she shaking? I knew I made her nervous, but why was she anxious about coming to my home? I will probably never understand why people get so worked up about others. Sayaka was constantly in her head, though I can tell she tries to put up a bold and sophisticated front, I can tell she's really squishy and easy to tease on the inside. She is the complete opposite of me, and it really irks me to want to understand her.

"Lock up when you leave. I will see you tonight." I announce, grabbing my satchel on my way to exit the premises with my sister silently trailing behind me.

"Yes Madam President." The still small voice trembled out behind me.

I close the doors and start walking down the hall and out towards the front gate. I can see that Ririka has retracted her mask from her face and she exhales quite loudly.

"So, Sayaka is coming over tonight?" Ririka teased. You know, she is very sensitive but she is a really fun plus one when it comes down to it. I think my older twin sister is the only person in this world that I will ever cherish.

"Yes. I have tons of work to do and so I am gonna see if she can write out a life plan for the miserable soul I played against today." I tried to explain.

"Would you like me to attend to help you, or would you like some alone time with her." I am not looking at her but by the tone in her voice I can tell she is raising her eyebrows and is teasing me about this entire ordeal. She knows I have been getting closer to my secretary, she knows about the tower of doors situation and ever since she has been nothing but annoying insisting that I must have feelings for my secretary. As if she pretends I am capable of feeling love. She likes to just romanticize everything. She literally looks at the world through rose tinted glasses in the form of her beloved mask, and I look at the world though pins, needles, and thorns searching for my next victim. We are nothing alike, it's as if we were just best friends who just so happen to share the same last name.

Is Rirka right though? Do I have feelings for my secretary? I shake that thought away instantly. No. No way. She is only there to do my bidding and nothing more nothing less. Yes I respected and admired her, but that is all. And trust me, I know denial when I see it so I am most definitely not lying to myself.

"I will fetch you if I need you Riri." I look back at her and greet her with a mischievous half smile. I turn back forward and I can just tell she is scoffing to herself and smiling, "It's strictly business, so wipe that smile off your face." We both laughed slightly.

I reach the limousine in which our chauffeur gets out to open the door to the back, "Good afternoon Ms. Momobami's." We step into the vehicle and he gently shuts the door and climbs into the driver's seat. Ririka and I make small talk about her and Mary, to which I did not like but I was never going to admit to, as long as she makes her happy. We soon showed up at my house and the time was only 5:45 by the time I got inside.

I get into my room and start taking off my red blazer, I hang it up, along with my white shirt under it only revealing a lacy aqua blue bra and my stomach. I remove my skirt and stockings along with my shoes and put the skirt in my drawer, stockings in my dirty bin, and my shoes inside my closet. I am wearing lacy aqua blue underwear as well. I took a look at myself in the mirror, and I thought I looked pretty cute. So I took a picture and laughed to myself and set my phone down as I walked back to my closet and started to figure out what I was to wear for the rest of the night. I wanted to still look professional, but I duly needed to feel comfortable after the long day i've endured. I decided to wear grey joggers with the word "Momobami" written down the side in blue letters with a white sweater which had only a blue heart stitched into the middle. It was minimal, as I ended up giving up on trying to look fashionable, hoping Sayaka wouldn't mind. I sat at my desk, whipped out my laptop and started working until 7pm.

Sayaka POV:

I had just locked up the student council room and was making my way down the barren halls. I was visibly troubled and in my thoughts but I had no care in the world right now because no one could see me anyways. It was 5:50pm by the time I left because I had to finish up some papers before I left the school grounds. I walked to my car, it was a BMW, and I swiftly drove home to wash up. I got into my rather small apartment at roughly 6:20pm. I had to ready myself in 40 short minutes to an acceptable degree as I will be walking into the Momobami residence tonight. I was greeted by my cat named Mistheos. He was a maincoon, his fur was long and light grey, with only one white paw and clear blue eyes. I picked him up and swirled him in a circle and then embraced him.

"I AM GOING TO THE PRESIDENT'S HOUSE TONIGHT!" I exclaimed to him. I talked to him a lot, he knows about my infatuation with her majesty, Kirari. I tell him every little thing I think about her. Things no one else will hear. "You have to help me get dressed! Come on love!"

I hurry to my messy bedroom, walking over dirty clothes on the floor that I didn't have time to pick up. I stripped down to my black plain bra and underwear. I look down at my body, and say out loud, "Should I put something better on, of course she wouldn't see my undergarments but it would make me feel as if I'm on top of the world." I look at Mistheos. He doesn't reply, as he is a cat.

I look through my unorganized dresser on the far side of my room, "I swear I had something cuter in here." I put my hands on my hips, slightly curfluffled. Then I see a fair green lacy bra lying on the floor. "There it is!" I picked it up and smelled it, it smelled like Lennon, "It's clean! Now where are the matching... oh here they are." I find the matching bottoms on top of my dresser under a worn out black lounge t-shirt. I throw my worn garments onto the floor and put on my newly picked clothes. "What should I wear? Should I dress casual, formal, or comfortable. I am not sure how late I will be there. What should I do? I can't show up looking like a slob! Oh god, what if I don't dress good enough." Mistheos replies by laying down and rubbing himself into my carpet whilst staring in my direction, "ugh you're no help." I sigh.

I look at the clock, it's now 6:35pm. I have to hurry. I go to my closet and start throwing aside outfits. I decide on a black tank top, black leggings, and a purple and black open kimono robe with white flowers on it mixed with pink cherry blossom leaves. I threw on white uggs to complement the flowers, took a long look at myself in the mirror and asked Mistheos if I looked okay, and he ended up meowing and I took that as his approval on my outfit. I sprayed some jasmine perfume on myself as I grabbed my satchel and my keys and headed out the door telling my cat I loved him. As I got into my white BMW I looked at the clock on my dashboard and it showed 6:50pm. I quickly got the address to Kiraris house up and realised, unless i went over the speed limit, I was going to be approximately 4 minutes late which I scolded myself on because that is highly inappropriate. I needed to be diligent and on the dot. So I decided to go slightly above the speed limit. Checking for police at every corner. I came to the conclusion, for the first time in my life, I will most likely be late.

I pull up to a massive marble white and gold mansion with a circle drive, a limo, a white jeep, and a black Kia in the driveway. I park my car on the side of the street, trying not to seem impolite as to park in her actual driveway, I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. I looked at the clock on my phone and it once again assured me I was late, but due to my speeding, it was only by 2 minutes, which didn't make any difference, late is still late.

I took my knuckles to my forehead hitting it slightly, scolding myself for being late as I walked up to her humongous house. I start trembling just looking at the front door which has the light on. I get up to the door and tell myself under my breath, "Calm down Sayaka. Everything will be fine." I manage to muster up the confidence to hit the ring button and shortly after, I hear a voice coming from the doorbell.

"Who is it." A woman's voice calls out.

"Sayaka Igarashi, I am here to do business with President Momobami." my voice croaks, I look behind me, thinking I should just run away, my skin is getting warm, I am suddenly unable to stand still. I start picking at my nails as i hear the door open. My attention is suddenly brought to a woman, much like Kirari standing at the front door.

"Come in, Sayaka." I can tell this is Ririka, as I can easily pick my Kirari out in a crowd of Ririkas'. No one can fool me.

The Vice President steps aside and ushers me inside by holding her palm out to the inside of her house, or shall I say, mansion.

"Thank you Ms. Vice President." I bow and make my way inside instantly taking off my boots at the door and placing them alongside all the other shoes on a rack only a couple paces inside the Momobami residence.

"Please Sayaka, call me Ririka. No need for formalities, it is after hours of course." She offers me a sly smile.

I finally take a look at the foyer and beyond it. White marble floors, leading to many rooms. A large black marble table stood in the middle of this rather empty room, with flowers in front of a giant swan sculpture looking as if it is made of glass. I think I can make out a kitchen at the end of the giant room in front of me. There is a room to the left of me, consisting of a piano and multiple paintings on the walls, one entire wall is filled with books, which sparked my interest immediately as I am quite the book worm. To my right I see a room with a fireplace burning and furniture not occupied. I see stairs on both sides of this giant room meeting in the middle to where I see Kirari leaning, facing the front door, locking eyes with me. Ririka walks in front of me and looks at Kirari.

"Sayaka is here sister. I'll be in the library if you need me." The silver-haired woman walked into the room to my left where I saw a lamp turned on and an open book on a side table next to a brown couch.

My attention jerks back to Kirari who is now slowly making her way down the stairs, eyes still locked on me. I feel like a lamb to her lion. The way she is staring at me I feel like I am prey and she is the predator. She gets about half way down and I take a few steps forward and her eyes slowly start glowing icy blue as she finally speaks, "Welcome Sayaka Igarashi, to the Momobami household."

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