"what you mean you pregnant?"
"just what I said and don't try to f*cking deny your baby because he or she is yours"
"as much as you been ho*ing around it might be some other niqqa's"
"ho*ing around? niqqa the only ho*in this room is you so go the f*ck on with that stupid sh*t and fyi if I was ho*ing around i'd make sure I come back to you and kiss on the mother f*cking lips so you can taste the dude that's been in my mouth"
"b*tch shut the f*ck up i'm done it's over don't bother with none of that sh*t about you need to help yo family and this yo baby because I know that retarded nbaby ain't mine"
"if the baby baby retarded then it get it from yo dumb azz"