Chapter 9: Hermione's Journal

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February 23rd, 1999

This is my first entry into my new journal. My loving fiancée keeps teasing me that this is more of a diary than a journal. But because Harry and I have decided to keep a record of our travels, the term "journal" fits better. We'll both be writing journals, though we both admit I'll be the one with the more detailed logs. However, Harry may have a different perspective on something, so I'll have to be bugging him to write things down in his journal.

I guess I'll begin with what happened this past week. I am happy to say that I'm a big sister now, and I'm very excited about it. Helena is just a bundle of joy that has really added to my life. Spending time with her has been wonderful, except for the time she spit up on my new blouse, THAT was annoying, but worth it all the same. And it was nothing a little magic couldn't fix.

My parents are back home, and Harry and I are staying with them until the end of this week. That's when we leave for Australia to finish our training with the Aboriginals, then we move on to America. I'm really looking forward to this trip! When we get to the States, we will be living with the Cherokee's in Oklahoma. They are the largest surviving tribe in America. We will be learning all kinds of natural and animal magic. The highlight of our trip will be learning to be animagi. They have a different way of becoming an animagus than we do here in Europe. What that is I'm not sure, but Harry and I are very eager to try it. Harry more so because it's something to connect him with his Dad, Sirius and Remus.

Getting back to the here and now, this past Saturday we went to Hogsmeade to visit all our friends who are back at Hogwarts. We all met at Three Broomsticks and had a fantastic time...

The party was in full swing. The food was good, the drinks were better, and the company was the best. At no time before had this particular group of friends acted this way. They were able to relax, have fun, and enjoy each other's company without the threat of evil hanging over them.

The bond between the members of this particular group outshone all others. They had fought Umbridge, evil Slytherins, and Death Eaters together. Nearly one-third of the original DA attended the little get-together. Harry Potter and his fiancée Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley and his girlfriend Head Girl Padma Patil, Neville Longbottom, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley were all crammed into a private room at Three Broomsticks, enjoying their time together.

"Hermione! Can we see it again? Pleeeeeease?" begged one Hannah Abbott.

Hermione huffed, and lifted her left hand once more, showing off her beautiful engagement ring from Harry. The ring was the most gorgeous thing Hermione, and the other girls for that matter, had ever seen. A .72 carat round diamond was the centerpiece, set in platinum on a platinum band. There were six .31 caret round diamonds, three on each side of the centerpiece. It was a true work of art. The girls oohed and awed once more, as Hermione pretended to be annoyed. But in reality, she was beaming on the inside at all the attention she was receiving.

The one girl not completely happy to see the large rock was one Ginny Weasley. She had agreed to come because her brother Ron begged her to. After deciding to go, she had hoped that this would be her chance to discuss things with Harry, this time hopefully with out a confrontation. She dragged Harry to the corner just to find out if she had any chance with the Boy-Who-Lived.

"So, you love her, huh?" Ginny asked casually.

Harry let out a deep breath as he gazed over at his fiancée. "I love her more than life itself Gin. I'd do anything in my power to make her happy." Harry had his hands in his pockets, and a goofy smile plastered on his face.

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