Framed Firebug Pt 2

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"Are you out of your minds?!"


"There was no possible way Jordan did this!"


The yelling from everyone had made the older man cease his yelling, an angry glare on his face as he looked at Casey, Kelly, Erin and Jay. They had told them either Jordan had set the fire or she was set up for it.

"We need to talk to Jordan," Casey told him, calmly. "She may be able to give us something to work with if she does know anything"

"She's already said what she knows"

"Hank" Kelly spoke this time. "If we don't solve this ourselves then Jordan does actually go down for a crime she didn't commit. None of us want that to happen, we need to talk to Jordan and find out exactly what happened"

Erin stepped forward, she was one of the main people who usually gets Hank to listen to reason. "Hank, Kelly is right. We have to do a full thorough investigation if not then Jordy goes down for something that wasn't her fault. Let us talk to her"

The older man let out a breath and calmed down, he knew they were right. He didn't want his daughter arrested and thrown in jail for something she didn't do, he had been so hopped up on anger and adrenaline he didn't stop to think about things, his main concern was his daughter.

"They're stabilizing her from the seizure. It's going to be a bit"

"Hank, Erin said Jordan didn't want to be at school today. Would you know why she changed her mind?" Kelly asked.

"She said something about a big test, she didn't want to miss it"

"Has she ever mentioned anything about someone bothering her?" Casey asked this time.

"Jordan doesn't tell me stuff like that, she doesn't like telling me. She says she wants to fight her own battles"

Kelly knew asking this was going to be hard but it had to be asked. "Do you know if maybe Jordan slipped up and started drinking or using again? Maybe she slipped up at school and is afraid to tell you"

Everyone had seen the once depressed look on Hank's face disappear and turn into a hard cold glare. "Are you trying to say something Kelly?"

Casey then shot him a glare. "Back off Hank, we're trying to get everything out and investigate it all. Everything down to the last detail. This is a very important detail and we can't overlook or bypass it. It's hard, yes but it needs to be asked. Today is an emotional day for Jordan, could there have been a chance she slipped up and you didn't know?"

"No there isn't. I still test Jordan every few months to make sure. I tested her this morning and it came back clean and I check her stuff every night and every morning she didn't have anything"

"Would you mind having them check to be sure?"

"Look here Matt-" Before Hank could continue Jay pulled him away.

"That's enough, let's take a walk" Jay spoke sharply.

The detective pulled his boss away before the older man completely lost it, Erin sighed and looked at the two men.

"Sorry about that, he and Jordan take great offense and go hard on the defense about her sobriety" Erin told the two. "He didn't mean anything by it"

"I forget it's still a very touchy subject for them," Kelly spoke.

"It still doesn't mean he can jump down our throats because of it," Casey commented.

"He didn't mean to Matt" Erin tried to defuse the situation. "Jay probably got him to calm down"

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