[ CHAPTER 028 ]

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Lisa sat at the chair in the hospital hall alone. It is almost mid night and she's still there in front of his ward. Everyone had left after meeting Jungkook. Jackson left too saying that he'll come back tomorrow.

It had been 12 hours since she found out the news. She didn't talk, she didn't eat and she don't even move from her position. One thing for sure and that is...

She's still in denial

She don't know what to do, what to think and why does it happen to her, to them. She felt frustated, devastated, anger and she want to yell so badly.

She bite her bottom lips as tear start brimming in her eyes again when Jungkook's voice rang in her head.

Do you hate me?

When he ask that to her, she regret answering it to him. She want to go back to the past and stop herself from saying that. Is it that hard to have what we want? Is it too impossible?


The memory when Jungkook got shot appear in her head. She remember what did she feel that time, she felt doubt and disappointment towards him. The fact that she judge him before knowing anything.

She don't know how heavy the stone he had been holding. The fact that he hold it alone because he knew if he didn't it will kill everybody else so he sacrifice himself.

But she? She doubt him.

A tear slide down her cheek and then another before she start covering her face with her palm, sobbing silently. She remember what she once told him.

"Even when the entire world turn their back on you. I'll be the only person to be by your side no matter what."

She want to meet him so badly but she don't have the courage to do so. She don't have the courage to face him. She's scared. She's scared that she can't hold out and burst in front of him.

She is scared that she wasn't able to smile for him anymore. She's scared that she can't stay strong for him. She felt helpless and alone. Lisa push her hair to the back as she glance at his ward.

She stood up and approach it. She place her forehead on the door, telling herself that it's late and he must have fell asleep. She decide it's the best to leave.

"I'm sorry."

Lisa pull away from the door when she heard Jungkook's voice. "I'm so sorry, Lisa." That is when she realise that he is also standing in front of the door. Jungkook place his palm on the door.

"You must be very angry right? That you don't even want to meet me. I understand and you have all the right to be angry with me." His soft voice make Lisa stood there silently.

"I know, I am not the best man in the world, my love for you don't change the fact of who I am, what kind of person I had become and what I had done." His voice is shaking as if he is stopping himself from crying.

[06] 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀, 𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐄 2 : REDEMPTION || LISKOOK✓Where stories live. Discover now