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There he was again, sitting by the pond deep in thought. He moved his marvin further down and looked intensely at the pond. I for one could not take my eyes off him.

There was something about him...... It was all about him. I stared into the pond too, wanting to know what held his attention. To my dismay, the clear blue water reflected his face. I turned my head to gaze at him once more only to be met by his gorgeous blue eyes. Then he smiled.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed.

My heart melted from his gaze and I quickly ran to the cover of the curtain. I drew it in and hid behind it, my heart hammering inside my chest. I slid to the floor, unable to stand anymore.

I couldn't help but groan at my stupid reaction. After all this time I was unable to stare at him straight in the face. I blame it all on that beautiful smile of his. How it lifts his cheekbone and pops the left dimple. I blame his beautiful eyes that sparkled and never failed to have a tint of mischief. Maybe it was his dark skin that glowed no matter what mixed with his pink lips...... There was also his physique which mmhhm, I couldn't get enough of.

Avery, mehn, you have it bad.

I cursed and cursed from my position on the floor, feeling like a complete idiot.

Heart racing, I stood up and drew the curtain back to have one last peek only to find him staring right at me.

"Geez" I mouthed.

From down below, he gave me a two fingered salute, zipped his hoodie, and walked away smiling and shaking his head.

"Well Avery you did it, you managed to make a fool of yourself once more." I face palmed myself.

I walked over to the bed and sat down. She rehooked the EKG and heard it beeping. The toll of having stood so long and periodic hear attacks finally beat me down. I lifted my legs off the floor and laid flat on the bed. I took a couple pills and felt the pain fade away. As the sleep took over, all I could see were his blue eyes, peculiar yes but just right. And his pearl white teeth that sat just right with his dark complexion.

I smiled as I gave in to the sleep.


"What's the stats Bridgit on patient 49?" asked Dr. Mike.

"Rather odd happenings sir. Patient seems stable. But earlier on we got some mysterious readings from the EEG. The brainwave activity went beyond the expected even for a comatose patient." Bridgit answered.

"Did you manage to stabilize it?"

"Doc, you see, it all became stable without our intervention. It's not the ordinary types of waveforms." she said as she handed him the readings.

"See here, the brief bursts of energy and response to stimuli are totally different within a two hour interval. Mhhhmmm........ In all my years of practice Bridgit, not once have we ever..... Any signs of recovery?"

"None, besides the brain activity. Ooh and her vitals were off the charts. But she stabilized. What do we do?".

"We wait"

Author's note
Well that's that. Thank you soo much to anyone who took the time to read this. It's not perfect but it will be.
Couldn't help listening to SZA NO LOVE.



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