chapter 37

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Anyone home?!" Niall called walking in, Louis bounced in, "Uncle Ni! Papa!" Louis alerted, Harry came in from the living room.

Niall's P.O.V
I know Harry like the back of my hand, and this wasn't him. He looked tired. Sad. Depressed, hurt, he resembled Zayn whenever he tried suicide. Oh no. "Harry are you okay?" Wow Niall try to sound more white-girly. "Lets talk yea?" Harry suggested weakly, nodding I let Louis go as he darted back in the living room. Sitting at the table, Harry collapsed in a chair next to me. "Zayn and I... A-are getting a d-divorce." He croaked. My eyes widened as the information hit me. Was this a joke? Hell it had to be. They were the perfect couple. "Why?"
"I-I c-cheated on him." Harry replied tears seeping from his eyes. He cheated again?! He cheated on me with Zayn. Once a cheater always a cheater I guess. To soon?
"Harry I'm sorry." I said knowing it meant nothing. He didn't care that I was sorry. Hell, he was probably sorry. Harry shrugged staring into space, "Do you have a lawyer?" I asked thinking of Liam, "No. I was going to ask Liam but... Its not right putting him through this." Harry replied chewing his bottom lip, "Oh. Well Liam knows a few lawyers we can get you one." Harry gave a small nod, "I want custody of Louis." He mumbled, oh. I forgot about him. "Have you told him?"
"When do you plan to?"
"I don't know."
"Harry... I don't know what to say. I honestly don't." I said fighting the urge to run away from the problem. Harry gave a small smile, "It's okay."

No one's P.O.V
Harry finally found a lawyer, Hank Williams. Jess, Hank, Harry, and Zayn all met at the house to go over who gets what.
"Zayn wants the 2014 SUV, and the Television he bought, along with full custody of Louis Malik. The rest Mr.Styles can have." Jess stated, Harry grew a cold glare when she said Styles. How low could Zayn go? "My client says Mr.Malik can have the house, cars, everything. Although they are going to court over their son." Hank argued. Zayn returned the glare to Harry, "I don't want the damn house." Zayn muttered, "I don't either. It holds to many bad memories. Like my ex-husband over dosing on drugs." Harry snarled. Zayn clenched his fists, how dare Harry bring that up. The two lawyers said goodbye after setting a court date for next week. Harry immediately started packing after they left, Zayn couldn't stop the anger that boiled. He officially hated Harry. "Where are you going?" Zayn shot to Harry who had bags in his hands, "Until court I'm staying at a hotel. With my son." Zayn stood in front of him, "No you won't. It's my son too." Harry scoffed pushing him out of the way, "Harry don't make me stop you." Zayn warned, "Louis!" Harry called, the boy came running, "Yes papa?"
"Tell Daddy bye. We are going to a hotel!" Harry gushed, Louis gasped, "Bye daddy!" Kissing Zayn's cheek, hugging him tightly, "How dare you." Zayn muttered, Harry shrugged walking to the car, "Get in baby."
Zayn ran out ripping the keys from the ignition, "Your not leaving with my son!" He roared throwing the keys far away from the house. Louis gasped, Harry scowled, "Mature Zayn. Now you scared our son." Zayn rolled his eyes, "Louis get out of the car." Louis did as told shakily walking towards Harry, "Come here bubba." Zayn whimpered, hurt that his son didn't run to him. Louis clung to Harry, "Lou come here." Zayn urged, "Louis." Zayn cried, Louis had big tears slipping from his eyes, "Daddy s-scary!" He bawled crawling to Harry's hip. Zayn gasped attempting to rip Louis from Harry's hip. However Liam and Niall were driving to the house to help try and settle things, only to see Louis bawling, his breath fast, Harry even crying, Zayn emotional as well. Liam managed to hold Zayn back as Harry put the screaming Louis in his car seat, "Zayn threw the keys. I'll get the spare ones from inside." Harry mumbled, tears rolling down his cheeks. Niall got out attending to Louis, Zayn got out of the hold, "Louis! Louis baby daddy's sorry! He's so sorry! Don't let Papa take you! Louis!" Liam got him back in a(n) hold as Harry came out quickly tearing from the drive way, leaving the emotional Zayn behind.

"H-he t-took him Liam! Harry t-took him!" Zayn wailed, they had gotten him inside when he collapsed on the living room floor. "Zayn he will get custody of him!" Liam remarked loudly, "D-don't say that!" Zayn snarled, Niall came back, "Zayn listen to me. There is stuff on your record that won't allow you to have custody. You have to learn to say goodbye. This is happening. Harry is gone. Louis is too. At least until next week. You have to let go." Zayn sniffled a miserable look embedded his face, "A-all I wanted was a k-kid. T-to be a father."

Louis fell into a forced sleep, all his crying and the days events to much for the hybrid, Harry pulled into a hotel. No he didn't get a room. Instead Harry sat in the parking lot one tear falling at a time. That was until he started sobbing uncontrollably. Seeing Louis in the rearview mirror, Harry got out leaning on the drivers door bawling. Letting it out. After an hour of non-stop crying in Best Westerns parking lot, Harry mustered strength to scoop Louis up, check into a room, and fall with his son on a bed. This is after all how it would be in a few days. Just the two of them. Louis would have to know soon.
"Love you too daddy." Louis whispered into the phone, Harry had called Zayn letting Louis talk to him. Of course Zayn was on speaker, although it was Harry that broke trust. "Alright baby, go get ready for bed okay?" Harry ordered softly cleaning up from their take out dinner, tears remained in his eyes all through it. Louis brushed his teeth, and pulled on pajamas. "Ready Papa." He called walking in, Harry sniffled turning to the boy, "Okay." He mouthed little sound audible, as he walked Louis to the bed in the room, tucking him in. "I love you." Louis giggled, "Love you too Papa."

Pulling a white shirt over Louis, Harry rolled up the boys dark grey skinny jeans. Something made Harry want the latter to look presentable. Holding his hand, they drove to the court house, as Harry took him inside. Louis saw Zayn running to hug him, not seeing the man for three days. "I missed you daddy!" Louis squealed, giggling when Zayn scooped him up swinging the boy around. "Oh goodness baby boy." Harry stalked over, "Come on Louis." He mumbled reaching his hand back out, Louis waved at Zayn following Harry into a room with alot of benches: The court room.
"Case 206, Mr.Malik divorcing Mr.Malik, Harold Malik wants custody of their son, Louis Malik, Zayn Malik wants custody also." The bailiff announced, the judge gave a nod pursing her lips, "Please Mr.Malik tell me why I should give you fifteen year old boy with your background?" She asked eyes narrowing at Zayn who went dry for a moment, "Ma'am if may: I am a changed man. I love my son, I haven't done drugs in years-" "Six months hardly counts as a year." Harry interjected, Zayn glared at him, "I don't do drugs anymore. Other then my prescription." Zayn resumed, the judge nodded, "I see you are a cop Mr.Malik. Very lucky to still have your job. But those hours can be unpredictable am I right?" Zayn sighed, "Yes ma'am." She inhaled quickly, "And Mr.Malik or Styles, why should you get custody of the boy?" Harry sighed glancing at Zayn, "I love my son." The judge scooped up her papers tapping them on the desk, straightening them, taking her time. "Well gentlemen, I give custody to Mr.Styles. But grant Mr.Malik visitation every other weekend. Agreed?" She offered, Zayn could only look at the ground. Everyone knew he wouldn't get custody. But hearing it reaffirmed how lousy his mistakes were. Harry stood up, giving another look to Zayn, "Oh and the divorce will be final in six months." The judge added before dismissing them. Zayn shot up going to leave when Harry ran to catch up with him. Grabbing his shoulder, Zayn turned sharply glaring at Harry. Both men stared at each other, they both had so much to say, but nothing came. "W-we have to tell Louis." Harry finally cried, it sounded weak. Harry was weak. He lost the man he loved. No. He didn't love Zayn anymore. That's why they got a divorce. Zayn sighed as Louis walked up to him, "Hi daddy."
"Hey bubba." Zayn mumbled, "I'll see you soon okay buddy?" Louis pulled a sad face, "Why daddy?" Zayn pressed a kiss to Louis' forehead, "Go to Papa now bubba." Louis shook his head clinging to Zayn, "Why daddy? Said never leave. Why you leave? Daddy!" Louis yelled as Zayn turned walking away. He couldn't look at Louis. Zayn was bawling. He couldn't let his son see him cry. He hated seeing himself crying. Louis fell to the ground when Harry ran holding him close, "Why daddy leave?" Louis whimpered, "Because I hurt him baby." Harry replied feeling tears coat his own cheeks.

*I love you all :) ~Emma :)

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