Chapter 3

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Aurora had never been one to care much for bets. But, when the arrogant and irritating boy known as James Potter bet that he could predict more sorting's than her, she couldn't resist the urge to wipe the stupid smirk from his irksome yet handsome face. So, as a result, she sat beside Potter, impatiently waiting for the sorting of the first years to begin.

'What do I get when I win, Knightly?' James asked, not being one to ever accept defeat. If he was being completely honest with himself, the only reason he had challenged the girl was because he wanted to see her reaction- and he supposed some part of himself wanted her attention- whether it be for good or bad reasons. He knew he had accomplished this when the girl turned his way with a blazing look, fire burning in her eyes, directed at him.

'I don't know why you think you even need to think of something, Potter. I mean... we all know of your- what was it Amelia Bones called it? Oh yes! 'Performance problem'. I think that my oncoming win is inevitable. Don't you?' Aurora replied, smiling sweetly at the boy, reminiscing of the memory on Potter's face when he had heard the rumour back in their fifth year. It was one of her favourite pranks that she accomplished with the help of Amelia Bones.

 Potter had coaxed Sirius into curating a prank that Aurora would be unlucky enough to fall victim to. She had yet to fall victim to one of the Marauder's infamous pranks and was therefore an obvious target for the two mischief makers. Sirius, not being one to say no to a prank, agreed which led to Aurora ending up looking like something out of the muggle film 'Carrie', covered in a pungent, disgusting red slime-like substance. Although she quite liked the film, she certainly did not wish to enact it in real life. Thus, she concocted the plot to embarrass the seemingly untouchable James Potter, as Sirius had begrudgingly apologised upon Remus' request. Amelia Bones, who had always been a good friend of Aurora's, had been more than happy to help her exact her revenge. The Hufflepuff and herself brainstormed ideas until they landed on one of the things that they both knew would hurt James Potter the most; bruising his ego. Seeing the look of utter shock and mortification on Potter's face had been one of the best moments of her life. Oh how she wished to own a pensieve so that she could re-live it over and over again.

James' cheeks flushed red and he sputtered out a response, trying to retain his dignity, 'I-what? T-that's not true! I'll-I'll... have you know my performance is wonderful! Isn't that right, Pads?'

Sirius, who had been staring longingly at the boy sitting right across from him, shook his head. Turning to his best friend, he plastered on a smile, catching the look Aurora had given him. 'I mean, James, there was that one time when you-'

Much to James' relief, Sirius was interrupted by the entrance of the first years into the Great Hall. The look of utmost wonder and amazement was clear to James as they took in their surroundings. The ceiling which reflected the starry night sky was the centre of their attention- especially the muggleborns who were astounded by the sight, not having as much experience with magic as the others just yet. Some were fascinated, some nervous of what was to come and some wet from the water balloons that had soaked their black robes on the way. As he looked at their small and innocent faces, he thought back to when he had been in their shoes.

 He remembered the proud look on his mum and dad's faces when he had gotten on the train and had begun a new exciting chapter in his life. He remembered sitting in a compartment, becoming fast friends with a long-haired brunette boy and making fast enemies with a greasy-haired, rude boy with a bad attitude. He remembered two boys, one with sandy hair and one with blonde, sitting down with him and the brunette he now knew as Sirius, not yet knowing that the four would become brothers soon enough. He remembered the feeling of pure elation that had overcome him when he was sorted into Gryffindor and how it felt to receive a letter of congratulations from his parents along with his Mum's homemade cauldron cakes. He remembered sharing the cauldron cakes with his newfound best friend who was both shocked and delighted to have also been sorted into Gryffindor too. 

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