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Author POV

As the days progresses finally it was the Saturday that Win was finally going to meet with Bright.

Win was restless throughout the whole week trying to find a way to talk to Bright.

The morning he was packing a backpack with extra clothes. His thoughts was about

'Should I just tell him the truth? Won't he find me crazy?  What if he thinks I'm joking?' His thoughts running.

The night before he told his parents of the outing and encourage him to go slow on talking to Bright.

"I'm sure he is smart he will figure out out son"  Dad said and Dada added "He looks like a mature person. I'm sure he can take it"

So as the time finally arrives Win waited for Bright. His parents already left to go for their schedule leaving him alone in the apartment.

As Win was pacing back and forth the doorbell rang and let out a nervous sigh, opening the door with a wide smile.

"Oh Phi Baii you're here" he said and Bright looking at him with a wide smile said "Ready to go?"

"Yeah" Win replied grabbing his backpack and locking the apartment door following the older man to the car.

Win sat in the car, still feeling nervous as he watch Bright start the car and soon they  were on their way.

"So where are we going Phi Baii?" He ask starting the conversation.
Bright just gave him a soft smile and answered "You will see. It's a surprise"

Not too long later they have arrived at the destination. Win who fell asleep woke up by the smell of the sea.

He was alone in the car. Getting out he followed the trail and soon enough he reached the destination where Bright was standing looking out into the horizon.

"Phi Baii" he called the older man and the man looked at him. "You're awake" he just simply say

"So this was the surprise " Win said and Bright nodded "Yeah but there's more" He went back to the car and got the guitar and soon he started playing a song

Ja tum took took yahng
ja tum took took tahng
mun tum hai chun nun roo dee wah ja bpen chen jai

Mae tur ja mee krai mai sumkun
kae piang tur maung mah tee chun
tao nun gor por jai yoo pai nai

Mae tur ja mee krai mai son jai
mae kwahm bpen jing ja bpen chen rai
mai roo kae mee tur yoo nai jai

Ja tum took took yahng
ja tum took took yahng
hai tur dai roo seuk op oon hua jai bpai gup chun

Dtae rao perng roo juk
kae maung duay sai dtah
mun tum hai chun nun roo dee wah ja bpen chen rai

Mae tur ja mee krai mai sumkun
kae piang tur maung mah tee chun
tao nun gor por jai yoo pai nai

Mae tur ja mee krai mai son jai
mae kwahm bpen jing ja bpen chen rai
mai roo kae mee tur yoo nai jai

Ja tum took took yahng
ja tum took took yahng
hai tur dai roo seuk op oon hua jai bpai gup chun

Dtae rao perng roo juk
kae maung duay sai dtah
mun tum hai chun nun roo dee wah ja bpen chen rai

Win was speechless. It was a song by Scrubbs. The band was featured in their series. Win couldn't help but feel touched.

"I want to tell you. I like you, Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn" Bright said and Win couldn't answer him

"Phi Baii" he called out the older man.  Bright was looking at him with expectation in his eyes. Win doesn't have the heart to tell him the truth.

"Phi I have to tell you something" Win said and Bright became curious. The younger looks at him and let out a soft sigh

"I am not who you think I am" he started to say. At this point Bright became confused and Win continued "I am not even from this time even Phi"

"What? Are you trying to make a joke because it is not funny Win" Bright said and by the serious expression on Win's face he knew the younger was serious.

Win then continued "I am Win Metawin Jongcheveevat. I am from the future. The year 2050 it should be around 40 years from now. My parents are....Mew Suppasit Jongcheveevat and Gulf Kanawut Traipipattanapong"

Bright was still trying to process the information looking more confused as Win continues on

"I came here to fix something because of a scandal my parents were close to a divorce. The mission is already done but I only have 12 months left. Phi. I'm sorry. I can't be with you. I am so sorry to reject you this way. I know it doesn't make sense but it's the truth"  Win finished

Bright then looked at him now still trying digest the information. At this point Win was relieved he finally told everything. But he was waiting for the outcome especially from Bright.

"Phi?" Win called Bright "Are you okay?" He ask and Bright who was still out of it looked at him and just said "So you are rejecting me because you and I can't be together. How about me in the future. Will it be possible?" He ask

AN: you an old man though  Bright.....just saying

"I don't know. I never met you in the future. I did date someone who looks like the younger version of you and his name was Sarawat" Bright was shocked and Win couldn't help but laugh "Don't worry. We already broke up due to a misunderstanding and he is dating someone else now"

"I see" Bright said and Win just let put a sigh of relief. He was sure it will take time for Bright to process the information

"So what's next Phi?" Win ask and Bright just looked at him and said "I was going to bring you to dinner"

It took a moment and Win just said "Sure. I'm so hungry Phi" and soon the both of them went to the nearest restaurant to have dinner together.

They talked about random things. Win told him about what changes were in the future.

Bright just listens and continue eating watching the younger man talk. He was mesmerised but his heart couldn't take that he was rejected due to the timing. He is fro. The past Win is from the future.

"Win" Bright called him "Hmm?" Win looked at him continue chewing on the meat. "What if....I find you in the future can we meet then?"

Win then thought of it "I don't know Phi. I never thought of finding someone before" He answered "It's possible I suppose"  he answers. 

"I see" Bright said. Win finishes his food and so did Bright and soon they walked back to the car as it was getting dark.

"Guess we will stay the night" Bright said taking a glance at Win who looked like he would passed out from exhaustion.

"Hmmm?"the younger yawned looking at him sleeping and Bright couldn't help but smile.

'So cute' Bright thought. "We will stay at one of the beach hotel for the night" Bright said and Win just nodded "Okay Phi" and soon he started the car and headed to the beach hotel a few minutes away from the beach.

They checked in a room and soon they laid in bed. Win already passed out but Bright wants him to freshen up first.

"Win...wake up. Go and freshen up" Bright told him and Win with a mumble said "Mmmmmm Phi I'm tired"

Bright shook his head and let the younger sleep. Bright went to freshen up and once he got out of the bathroom he looked at the sleeping figure of the younger and cover him so he doesn't get cold.

He looked outside the window and thought of what Win had said about meeting him in the future.

The next morning Win woke up first and then Bright soon after. They freshened up and went to have breakfast together and soon they were on their way back to Bangkok.

What will happen next? Stay tuned to Back To The Past.

AN: Well I hope my readers like this chapter. More boring I suppose. I wanted to add more but I am stopping myself before it gets weirder. Anyway till next time.


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