Adventures in Being a Girl Dad™️ (Austin North)

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A/N: this is by far the longest thing I have ever written. Enjoy the hallmark level cheese. (15,580 words


Victoria was sat on her couch, knees hugged to her chest as she stared at the two plastic sticks sitting on the coffee table in front of her. One had two pink lines staring back at her, the other simply said pregnant.If she wasn't in shock, she would get up, schedule an appointment to take care of it before the news got out to her judgemental family back home, but that wasn't the case. She couldn't move, couldn't take her eyes off of the overpriced pieces of plastic that had just thrown her for a loop.

It wasn't like she didn't know who the father was. No, she knew who the father was — all five feet, nine inches of brunette bleached blonde and blue eyes of him. He'd been the first person who didn't think she was weird, or judge her because she was on the thicker side. He had quickly become her best friend on set where she was a directing assistant.

She'd trauma dumped on him, drunk at two am when he'd made sure she'd gotten home from the bar safely. Told him about how her father had abandoned her mom, her, and her two older sisters when she was four years old to start a new family in another state. She'd told him that her mom had gone completely blind when she was eight years old and suffered for ten years with end stage kidney disease until she passed when she was eighteen. She was just a kid herself, she'd told him. She didn't know how to live without her mom and since then, every little move she made had been judged by her family. He'd listened to her, let her cry on his shoulder and laughed when she said she didn't deserve him.

They'd gotten drunk on her birthday, and while the memory was blurry she remembered crossing that line with him that night. She remembered explicitly giving him consent to touch her like that, how he made her feel that night. Like she was loved for the first time in years. She remembered the panic the next morning, hungover and realizing they hadn't used a condom — mostly because she didn't keep them in her apartment and they weren't exactly planning on sleeping together. That morning, she told him how she'd been told at twenty three that she had a less than two percent chance of ever conceiving naturally, that she'd already decided that if she wanted kids in the future she was going to adopt.

The sound of the door to her apartment opening barely registered in her mind as she continued to stare at the tests. She knew that she'd only had sex that one time since she'd been here, knew that she was already closing in on around eleven weeks if she did her math right. How did she not know she was pregnant? Her friend Haven was going to have a field day with this.

"You really should lock your door, what if I was coming to rob you?" It was Austin's voice that finally brought her out of her thoughts.

"If you walked to the fifth floor to rob me, you deserve to take whatever you want. Elevator is out of service." She deadpanned, not looking at him.

"Uh, Val told me she sent you home because you were vomiting. I brought you electrolytes." He tried to joke. "You feeling okay?" A bottle of Gatorade was sat in front of her.

"I'm fine. Come sit?" She said. "I'm not contagious." Surely, he'd seen the tests when he sat the drink down in front of her. He hadn't freaked out, so she didn't really know.

Austin sat beside her, one arm slung behind her and the other putting his phone in do not disturb mode. He was done filming for the day, so instead of sticking around to watch, he'd left as soon as Val had told him what was up with Vix.

"So uh, I don't know how it works exactly, but I don't think glaring at the test is going to change the result." He said. "Looks like that 98% wasn't on our side."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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