Chapter Two

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Matty and I speed walk towards the Commanders room. By the time we get there almost everyone has already gather in the medium sized room. Everyone else sleeps separated, but Vivene and Jedd share a room. I don’t know why it was made this way, but the rooms haven’t changed in a couple years at least. Vivene and her bright red hair stand up on the bed.

          “I’m going to call roll for all the girls first, then Jedd will do the guys,” She pulls out a piece of paper with all of our names on it.

“Gisella Breneman?”  Gisella is my best friend in the whole world, we’ve known each other since birth. Our parents were best friends too. She’s standing by the door by herself. She hates being in small spaces, so she likes to have a quick way to exit if she needs to.


“Vivene Gropper, me, here,” Why she calls out herself, I don’t know. Vivene is full of herself and doesn’t really have any friends besides Jedd. I think Jedd is only friends with her because they are forced to work together and it would be weird if they were enemies.

“Sissie Loster?” Sissie, oh Sissie. Don’t get me started on Sissie. We’ve been having this feud for a couple years, since grade school. I don’t even remember clearly, how it started but we aren’t really good friends. She can be nice sometimes, I just wish things would finally get settled.


“Noelle Piattoni?”  Oh, the greatest person you will ever meet. Just kidding, I’m not egocentric like Vivene.

“Here,” I say.

“Fianna Seltzer?” Fianna is another one of my closest intermediate friends and clearly the prettiest one here. She has all the perfect features that has almost everyone single guy head over heels for her. No blemishes, long brown hair, straight teeth. Everyone says that we look alike, but I don’t see it. I have freckles on my face and my eyes are brown, hers are green. I have long brown hair but that’s it.

“Kathryne Tibbitts?” Another one of my friends. Kathryne and I have known each other since we were little but we never really grew close. She can be a little harsh, but she’s always honest.


And the list continues.

Jedd walks in and starts calling his roster too.

          “Paton Cascio?” The boy that put all of this worry into the minds of Gisella and me and now Matty.  He’s always been a popular boy, the ones that cause trouble during class and back sass the teachers.

“Matty Ferrera?” Oh god, the definition of perfection. He’s the dream boy every girl dreams about. He has gorgeous blue eyes and short ish brown hair.  He’s a jock but a total sweet heart.


“Jason Guerrini?” Jason is Matty’s bestfriend. But he’s head over Jordan’s over Gisella. He professed his love for her probably every year since 5th grade.  But Gisella likes Louis…


“Louis Matthys?” Ah, Louis. I’ve been trying to get Louis and Gisella together since forever. Gisella has a major crush on him, but he’s so indecisive I don’t know how Louis feels about her. He’s agitating if you ask me.


Jedd pauses and unlike Vivene he doesn’t say himself. Jedd is the leader, and he’s the best. He’s friends with everyone and he’s kinda a Mr. Know it all. But it’s good to have one of those around sometimes.

          “Jonah Stevenson?” Uh, no. Can we skip him? No? Fine. Jonah is nice I guess. Although, he is part of the reason why Sissie hates me. Sissie is in love with Jonah, Jonah is in love with me. Sissie hates me for it, even though I thought I made it pretty obvious that I like Matty.

Jedd steps down from the bed and looks around at all of us.

          “Okay, that’s everyone… We have some bad news,” Jedd calls.

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