The Kanto Crew

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It was a fine day... A bright sun, a blue sky, a pleasant breeze, the sound of leaves rustling... A perfect day in summer. But alas it was a day at the end of summer break.

Red, Blue and Green were lazying around in Red's house as usual. They thought about how they had fun during their vacation which would soon be over. They went to the beach together, went shopping together, went to the pool together, ate together, slept together, bathed-

"Woah, hey! No, we didn't bath together!" Green protested with flushed cheeks. He glanced at Blue who stared at him with an innocent smile. She tilted her head quizzically.

Alright, alright. My bad, my apologies...

Anyway, the three teenagers were very good friends, having lived near one another for many and many years. They were inseparable and were very close. And right then they were eating popsicles in Red's room.

"Ah. Green, yours is dripping. Be careful." Red told his friend as he pointed at the latter's popsicle.

Green quickly licked the drippy parts. "Sorry."

Blue shifted next to Green and quickly bit a piece of his blue-coloured popsicle.

"Hmm~ Yummy!" She said cheerfully as she felt the cool ice go down her throat.

"Why didn't you take one too?" Red asked.

"Because you took the two-pieced kind. There would be one extra." She proceeded in placing her own at Green's mouth. "Aaah~"

Green took a bite and nearly smiled but he didn't. It was cherry-flavoured while Red's and his were soda-flavoured.

"I want it too..." Red muttered passively.

"Sure." Blue said as she repeated the same actions with Red.

Red grinned. "Cherry doesn't suit you. You're such a tomboy."

"Huuuh?!" Blue exclaimed angrily. "I wear skirts all the time!"

"Doesn't make you a girl. I could wear a skirt everyday and still act myself." Red said.

"Red in a skirt...." Blue and Green simultaneously thought. An image of Red in a skirt sprung up and the two started laughing out loud. Red smiled and joined them.

A little while later....

Green's phone started ringing. He picked it up and-

"Green?" A mature female voice spoke over the phone. "It's Daisy."

"Oh hey sis, what is it?" Green asked.

"Are you home?" She asked.

"No, I'm at Red's." He replied.

"With Blue." Blue added as she clinged to Green and spoke on the phone.

Red quickly came closer to the two and spoke on the phone too while Green was still holding his phone.

"Sup Daisy!" He said happily.

"Back off!" Green complained as he pushed Blue and Red away from him. But the two resisted and ended up clinging to him more, even ending up in a cuddlng position.

"Green?" Daisy asked. A drip of uneasy sweat went down her forehead.

"Aagh!" He yelled. "Red, you're hurting me! And Blue, stop squeasing so much! It's really uncomfortable!!"

"Ah... Green is angry. It's okay, we love him angry!" Blue said with a huge smile as she ruffled his hair.

"Um, wait sis." He told his sister as he placed the phone on the low table next to them.

A Pokémon Fanfiction by KeroKeroRinWhere stories live. Discover now