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Safire POV
It's been a week since I last seen Isaac and I haven't been able to find food after that. It's like everything has disappeared.

I was walking through the forest when I saw a small house. It looked like my childhood home. I stared at the address vaguely, Yes this is it. I took out my knife and slowly entered and was surprised to discover it looked decent?

"Hello...?" I called out, looking at the table full of plates and food. It was so neat, it didn't look like we were in the middle of a apocalypse.

"You better leave now or I will kill you.." A voice called out from behind the stair well.

"I'm not here to harm anyone..I just need food I've been starving for a week and I haven't slept since..well I don't know." I said as the person laughed.

"You think I care? This is about survival not charity work. Go find your food somewhere else." They said and I thought I could just run with some food and escape. I looked at the most filling foods and ran to grab them, hurriedly leaving as I heard footsteps behind me.

I was tackled by someone as I groaned in pain as my knife stabbed my arm.

"You really thought we would let you take our food? Think again." Another person said with a chuckle.

So evil sounding.

"Please let me go I will never come back here again. Promise!" I beg and they help me get up, with me still being in their grasp.

"Let's see who this food thief really is." The person who tackled me moved my hair out my face and was shocked.

"Safire?" I looked at who it was.

"Eliza?! Omg!" We hugged each other.

"So you're the one she's been nagging about...very disappointed." A guy next to Eliza said with a scoff.

"Who are they?" I ask Eliza as we walk into the house.

"Theo is the one that just said that. JT is the one standing by the door. Our boss name is Lorenzo. He's somewhere around here." Eliza explained as I nodded.

"I don't think he'd be too happy to find out you're here trying to take our food." Theo smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Theo, calm down...Sorry about him he has trust issues. Took him weeks to trust me after I joined them." Eliza chuckles as we sat on the couch.

"How'd you guys manage to keep this place looking so..clean?" I ask and she shrugs, handing me some food.

"I'm sorry for stealing your food Eli, I haven't seen food since I found Isaac.." I sigh and take a bite of the bread.

"Isaac?? Wow I can't believe you finally found each other." I look up at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh Isaacs with us, he set out to find you not too long ago but never got lucky until last week. When he came back he told us the news and we were happy to know you were alive." I set my food down and stood up.

"I'm not staying here with him Eliza, you know what he did.." Eliza frowns.

"To keep it between me and you, I can't trust him." She whispers to me.

"I was called about a thief?" A man stands at the door with Isaac. I see him staring at me in half shock half anger.

"Yes sir, but we- we figured it out.." He cuts Eliza off.

"Shut it. You would always try to save someone." The man says and glares at Theo who nods.

"That girl next to Eli tried to steal our food. We got her though, boss." He smirks and the man stares at me, so intriguing.

"You know her?" He looks at Isaac and Isaac, with a sigh, nods while staring at me.

"What's your name?"

"Safire.." I mumble and the boss signals something to the guys.

"I'm Alex. Don't bother escaping with our food again either, you were lucky Eliza was the one who tackled you otherwise you would be dead." Alex left with Theo and JT leaving me, Lorenzo, Isaac and Eliza.

Isaac runs to me with an angry expression.

"What do you think you're doing?? Stealing our food? You could've got yourself killed..better yet, me and Eliza killed."

"In my defense I didn't know this was your Territory.." I shrug and he sighs then walks off.

Lorenzo smiles slightly and walks off. Eliza looks angry, not at me but at Isaac.

"I'll just go..I missed you Eli,hopefully I see you again one day.." I smile and she grabs me and pulls me into a hug.

"Don't leave me..." I hear her say in a sad tone.


"Don't leave me...please.."

"Goodbye, Safire."

End of flashback

"Okay I won't...but where am I going to stay?" I ask as Eliza smiles.

"With me! I cook Breakfast every morning and it's super exhausting buttt since you're here maybe you can help?"

"Of course I can." Eliza chuckles and drags me to her room.

The room is really cozy. She has a old computer on a desk with a wall of newspaper, drawings and whatnot. Her bed has books all over it and the carpet reeks of liquor but I'm not complaining, at-least I have a good place to live.

"This is really comfy...good job keeping it neat." I say and sit on the edge of the bed, moving books to the side.

"Thanks. I try my best." She giggled and sits on a bean bag chair.

"If it's okay with you...can we talk about this 'gang' you're in?" I look at her and see her expression change blankly.

"I guess...what do you wanna know?"

"Why'd you join? And why are the guys so rude? I mean you did tell me Theo had trust issues...but the others eh..." Eliza sighs and shrugs.

"To answer your first of many questions..I joined because Theo used to date my sisters best friend or something like that. I guess he remembered me. And the only guy that's really rude is Theo and Alex. Lorenzo is sweet and JT he just doesn't talk really, just follows orders from the boss." I nodded and grabbed a book that kept stabbing me.

'Theories about the earth' is what the name was. Interesting, Eliza was always the curious type.

"Saf...can we talk about Isaac? I mean I haven't seen in months, maybe a year. We have alot to catch up on..but you never really told me about Isaac." I close the book shut roughly and turned to Eliza.

"He left me...even after I begged him not to. He didn't leave for New York or Harvard though, he left me because I liked girls..what type of person does that?" Eliza got up and sat next to me.

"So that's why you didn't leave here?"

"Yeah. I don't want you to feel the same pain I did years ago...plus you're my best friend." She smiles and hugs me.

Someone knocks at the door and it opens. There reveals Isaac with a handful of supplies. He looks at me with a weak smile and sets the supplies down.

"Thank you.." Eliza mumbled in a disgusted tone making Isaac roll his eyes and exit with a slam of the door.

"Such a b****." Eliza mumbled and moved the books on her bed to the ground.

"There's a bean bag and there's my bed, sleep where you want." She says and stands, going to grab some clothes and leaves.

I stand up and grab some clothes and change. They're pretty comfortable, unlike the clothes I wore before. I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling as Eliza walks in.

"I'm back..." She quietly says and lays on the other side of her bed.

After a few minutes I hear her soft snores and known that she's awake. She sleeps so quickly. I close my eyes and fall asleep after a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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