Chapter 5

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Sunday, 11:34 am

Aoki's POV

Was what happened yesterday really a reality? Did I.....there's no way. There's absolutely no way I actually...

The thoughts of yesterday never left my mind since last night. All morning I've been trying to figure out if everything's a dream or if it's actually reality. The whole situation has me confused to the max.

There's no way I had the guts know.....kiss her cheek. But it feels too real to be just a dream...right? I mean it's not possible for it to be a dream so does that make it a reality? Did I really kiss her? But I'm probably overreacting right cause it's just on the cheek and nothing more...right? What if she hated it or didn't like it?

My mind continues to run around thinking of every outcome from my actions. I kissed the cheek of a girl I just met. I never would've thought I would do such a bold move, especially for someone that I don't know well. The thought of Jaklyn thinking I'm creepy for doing that or her loving it is bothering me as I don't know how to bring it up to her. The whole thing is a mess....or maybe it's just me.

I look on my phone to see a notification pop up.

Jaklyn's and Aoki's Dm's

Jak1yn: Hey!!!

OrchidArts: hi

Jak1yn: I had such a great time! The beach was so much fun!!!
OrchidArts: yeah! I had a great time too.

Jak1yn: So... you want to do something again?
OrchidArts: um sure it could be fun

Jak1yn: Awesome but next time we go out you don't have to bring along your friend. You know since you know me now and stuff!
OrchidArts: sure yeah, I guess she doesn't have to come. She was kinda weird after... but that was probably because of her family.

Jak1yn: Ah well I'm sure she's fine or whatever. But yeah lets hang out soon!!!
3rd person

The two spent a ton of time together and learnt more and more about each other. Who they are as people, their values, opinions and interests. Throughout the time they hung out, it was clear they had similarities but did have some differences. Aoki is very quiet and keeps to herself while Jaklyn loves talking and meeting others. It's just easy for her to get along with others. Although, they do have some similarities in loving the same shows, movies, activities and more. Throughout the time of them hanging out, the attachment they had for eachother started to grow. They would constantly text and talk to each other on call and in real life.

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