Act 1: Are you my Saviour?

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Location: ???

In the far reaches of the North, hidden behind prying eyes, a battleship forgotten by the ages lay dormant in an eternal sleep. Its name was never given, its purpose was forgotten, and who he was suppose to serve forgot that he even existed.

This was the fate of the forgotten, nameless battleship that hails from the strongest class of battleships in the world: The Bismarck class. A class that struck fear into those that challenge its honour and strength. However, this ship would never get its chance.

Being the third of its class but forgotten by its creators, the ship remained silent never moving for it waits for those that can save it, be it chance or fate, it will serve it's masters well be it evil or good it will follow. After all it was the promise it made when it was built and forgotten.

Location: Maple Monarchy, Montreal navel base.

Sitting in her office a girl with long bright brown hair and light red eyes with eyes fixated on a piece of paper in front of her. She wore a Royal Navy uniform with a few notable changes like the colour of the uniform being blue and with a red Maple leaf on her right chest. This girl was none other then the Maple Monarchy's flagship, Ontario.

Right now, she is currently looking over the most recent reports regarding Siren activity happening all along her factions waters. 'Why is it now of all times that they decide to attack?' she thought to herself. In recent news the alliance known as Azur Lane had fallen apart with the Maple Monarchy taking the brunt end of the split.

Although they are large in numbers, they still suffer greatly as they lack any capital ships of their own with only a hand full of capital class ships. The rest being cruisers of either light or median class and destroyers, her being one of said cruisers. 'Although we split from the Royal Navy, we still need their support, so for them to leave in favour of Northern Parliament...' 

*Knock, knock* A knock on Ontario's door had taken her from her thoughts, "Come in." she said in a sweet and kind tone. The door opens to revel a tall and refine women with long blond hair and red eyes, this person is one of the few battleships in the Maple Monarchy HMCS Canada.

"just a passing friend." She replied with a sweet smile and kind voice, walking into the office fully she is seen wearing a red turtle-neck sweater, a red skirt, thigh high black stockings, a light brown coat, and to finish her outfit was a red and white scarf wrapped around her neck and letting one end hang at the front with the other on the back and had a red maple leaf on her scarf "You seem troubled, something the matter?"

Ontario let out a tired sigh, "Is it that obvious?" her friend only nodded and preceded to sit on one of the chairs facing her desk.

"Plain as day Ontario, Quebec is worried that you may over work yourself again." Ontario responded by slouching in her chair before sighing again.

"Well if the sirens were kind enough to leave, then I'd consider taking a break." she chuckled at herself after finishing her sentence. Canada only sighed at her friends antics.

"You need to stop that Ontario, everyone knows your working hard but its slowly starting to show." Ontario didn't listen and just moved back to working on the reports and getting everything ready for the next battle. 

Canada, only sighed at seeing her friend jump back into work mode. She then continued her point. "U-190 and U-889 have reported that siren activity is going to be down after our last major battle and our scouts reported less activity today, well less then usually that is." 

Almost every single day the monarchy has been constantly battling the sirens from small skirmishes to massive full on battles. In their time of constant fighting, the monarchy has held the line but are slowly losing steam with the constant battles.

Battleship of her Royal Canadian fleet (Azur lane Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now