Chapter 5:Hang out

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I started to wake up my eyes fluttered when I feel a ray of sunshine hit my eyes I groaned and pull the blankets to my face then it hit me.

I was in Solazar's house.

I shot up a awake remembering about what happened I was at work,Agoti didn't want me to leave,Solazar thought if we tire him out in his place he'll let me go.

"Good morning"I jumped and looked behind me to see Solazar "Oh sir!!"I quickly stand up.

"You want coffee?"Solazar went in to the kitchen "Wait sir you don't need to do that"I chased after him when I finna my reached him he gave me a cup of coffee.

"Here"Solazar mumbles his face was a bit red "Thank you"I blushed and sat in the stool "You better drink your coffee fast before Agoti wakes up"Solazar says making me chuckle.

After I drink my coffee I got up from my seat grab my bag and head out
"Do you need a ride??"Solazar asked me before I leave "No I'll take the bus"
I say and left.

Agoti walked down the stairs "Dad where is Y/N?"He yawns and rubs his eyes "Oh she left"Solazar mumbles
"She left?"Agoti eyes started watering
"Agoti calm down you'll see her again soon"Solazar ran to Agoti who was gonna explode.

"Agoti calm do-----" "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH"Agoti cries waking up Aldryx "Ayo what the fu---"

I was in the bus stop waiting for my bus I sighed 'Where the heck is he bus'
I thought my phone beeped and I took it out.

Melony😚💅❤                     Y/N📝☺🧠

Y/N where are you
I was gonna heading
to your apartment
and you weren't there

Are you ded???

                                                     No wtf?

Oh thank god
your not dead.

Where are you??

                                          Oh yeah funny

Try me

                                          Okay my boss'
                                          son didn't want
                                          me to leave
                                          and my boss
                                          thought that
                                          if we tire him
                                          Out and I got
                                          tired and fell


                                                        Shut up

I felt my face heat up I can't believe that I fell asleep in my boss' house.

Y/N I know you
blushing you
ding dong

                                          Ugh I hate you

I hate you too 😘

Wanna watch
a movie at my


My bus arrived and I went in.

I made it in to my apartment and threw my bag at my bed and went in to the closet to get changed in to some comfortable clothes.

I walk out to Melony's room that wasn't really that far I knocked on her door and she opens it "Hey Mel"
"Sup Y/N I've bought lots of junk food for us to eat"We both chuckled and went in.

"So what movie do you wanna watch"I sat on the couch and laid down "I dunno I mostly spent my time searching for movies then watching"Melony says scrolling through Netflix.

"So what movie do you wanna watch"I sat on the couch and laid down "I dunno I mostly spent my time searching for movies then watching"Melony says scrolling through Netflix

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After awhile we both found a perfect movie to watch (I dunno what movie you'll watch just pick"We ate our junk food as the movie goes on.

2 hours later

The movie finished and we scrolled again through Netflix "What movie next?"I ask her "I dunno Spider Man?"




"The ring??"

"I watched that last week"

"Harry Potter???"

"That pink lady in the dress isn't dead yet"

"Yeah your right"

"How about a Veronica"

"I heard its based on a real story let's watch it"

Another hour later

Me and Melony were literally hugging each other the movie was fucking scary "I don't like this"I cried "Yeah"she cries with me

The movie ended and we both sighed
"Oh thank god"


Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down never gonna  turn around and desert you never gonna make you cry never gonna say good bye never gonna tell a lie and hurt you~~~~

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