Chapter 10

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Erik woke up alone, and a stab of icy terror pierced his heart. He inhaled sharply, and traced Robin's scent to the bathroom, where he heard the shower running. Erik groaned, thinking of him in there twisting and soaping himself under the hot spray. The young werewolf was suddenly at the bathroom door, gently turning the handle. It was locked. This time the stab was pure disappointment. Sighing, and chiding himself not to try to rush things, he crawled under the covers again. Robin came out after a few moments with a towel wrapped around his waist, and wearing his wristbands. They looked dry, so he hadn't showered with them, but Erik was becoming more concerned about them by the moment. He was glad to see that the dark circles were gone from under his eyes.

"I took a shower. I hope you don't mind." he looked as if he expected Erik to yell at him for using up precious water.

"Just that you did it alone." Erik clapped a hand over his mouth. That was way flirty and forward, not his style at all.

Robin laughed. "I thought about waking you...but there was a part of me that still can't believe this is happening; that this isn't just me reading into things."

Erik stood up and yanked his shirt over his head. He walked slowly towards Robin, who backed up against the wall behind him. He took Robin's face in his hands and stared directly into the wide green eyes.

"Read into this." He placed his mouth on Robin's, whose scent spiked with a rainbow of emotions; excitement, fear, arousal and half a dozen others as each of them shared the first kiss of their lives with each other. They pressed bare chests together tightly, their arms winding around each other. Robin was passive at first, but then suddenly battled Erik for dominance as the kiss turned from romantic to one of almost savage passion. Robin's nails raked along Erik's back, and his teeth alternately pulled and bit his lips. As he explored the other boy's mouth with his tongue and they began shotgunning their breath, Erik felt like the top of his head would explode at any moment; his heart was pounding in a fierce scary way. Then panic hit him.

'The wolf. Holy shit, the wolf is coming!' he thought frantically.

He pushed Robin away (needing quite a bit of force to do it, he was stronger than he looked) and turned around, trying to get his breathing under control and fiercely trying to force down the Beta shift that was already showing in his face.

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Robin asked, the fear in his voice a painful jab that Erik actually felt. The Beta shift vanished, and Erik turned around.

"No...that was you doing everything incredibly right. I was...I was about to attack you, Rob."

Robin looked relieved, then grinned. "I understand...we should take this slow. But for the record...I wanted you to attack me."

Erik nearly shifted and did just that at the husky tone in Robin's voice. He fought to master himself. "Oh, man you are making this so hard." Erik groaned, than flushed at the double meaning in his words.

Robin laughed and sat on the bed, Erik joining him a moment later. They looked at each other shyly, the experience of baring their souls to each other so new and raw-feeling that it was too much to handle. They joined hands and kissed again, small teasing ones that led to Erik getting his wish from earlier as he slid his tongue up the side of Robin's neck and behind the ear, taking it between his teeth and giving it a small bite...the taste was pure heaven, the salty flavor of the skin mixing with the odors of soap and Robin's natural scent. Robin was shivering next to him, and Erik regretfully pulled away as the wolf once more made a desperate bid for freedom.

"I think I'm going to take a shower...a really cold one." Erik took his clothes in with him; no way could he risk a flimsy towel being the only thing between them when he came out. He had lied to Robin, the shower was hotter than Hell's steam room and he had to take himself in hand twice before he thought the other boy would be safe around him. When he was dressed again in his jeans and Batman t-shirt, he opened the door and saw Robin standing there, just in his shirt and boxers. He was holding his jeans which seemed to have more hole in them than denim.

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