Character Profile

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Name: [Last Name] [Name]

Alias: Koi-sama (by the Twelve Kizuki and other demons)

Physical Age: 16

Chronological Age: 200+

Sex: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Race: Demon

Sexuality: Bisexual with a preference for men

Affiliation: Twelve Kizuki


Overall Abilities: As holder of the "Upper Rank Zero" title, [Name] possesses tremendous strength and regeneration abilities, despite only eating humans when they make the first strike. He also possesses a stronger version of the Upper Ranks' standard demon abilities. Thanks to the angel wings on his back, he is also capable of flight at high speeds.

Presence Masking: [Name] is able to mask his presence to either appear as a common demon or a human. However, those with supernatural senses would be able to break through his disguise of a human (Kamado Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Uzui Tengen, etc.). He is also able to hide his eye carvings and other demonic attributes, such as his wings.

Empathetic Power: [Name] is especially sensitive to another's emotions and state of mind. Their emotions are represented with an aura and if a feeling is particularly strong, he can hear their inner thoughts. If he touches the face of someone, then he can access memories. He can speak to the hearts and souls of his opponents as well to have a conversation with their inner self. Anyone who gazes into [Name]'s eyes loses the will to fight.

Blood Demon Art: Flurry of Emotions. Most are channeled through his lotus lantern.

Benevolence: Any who bears hatred in their heart before him will lose their ability to hurt others, becoming powerless. This ability is constantly in play. In contrast, whoever receives [Name]'s love receives strength as well.

Angel's Breath: If [Name] wishes for someone to be well, he uses this technique to heal them. His demonic cells released in his breath take on injuries and heal them.

Waves of Despair: the one affected with have a vision of their greatest fear in life (not phobias) and it will often lead to suicide.

Blades of Anger: The petals of the lotus lantern turns into sharp knives that he can manipulate at will. They are the strongest when he is angered, but are still effective when he is not. Once removed, petals will regrow immediately, so he has an unlimited supply of these knives.

Petals of Mercy: [Name] places a lotus petal on someone's forehead and grants them a painless death.

Sea of Hopelessness: Once [Name] activates this ability, the affected slowly starts losing hope at a speed which he can control. This also often leads to the affected committing suicide.

Weapon: Lotus Lantern.

This lotus also acts as a sanctuary for where [Name] can remain during the day

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This lotus also acts as a sanctuary for where [Name] can remain during the day. He is able to transfer his essence into the lantern, which acts like a house. He can also use its petals to bond with people. The petal given to someone will alert [Name] if they are in danger and transmit their emotions to him.

It is partially made of [Name]'s flesh, as most demons' weapons are. However, it's base is an actual lotus and won't disintegrate in the sunlight.

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