Omegaverse Fae Reader X America X U.K. part 2

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"You're right, I am."

Words you couldn't hear. But, you felt a disturbance in the relatively calm atmosphere that you had created for yourself. There was an energy shift within your shop about 15 minutes after Jones and Kirkland had left. But, as usual, you put on your Alpha mode aura and did your best to contain yourself. You knew that showing fear would lead to your demise if you didn't want to become like so many others who were a part of the system as servants.

You had to survive.

Arthur smirks deviously to himself. "That fae is mine. They're too pretty to hand over this time to those lazy elites." Alfred side-eyes Arthur with malice.

"Yeah sure bro. I'll let you have them." He pats him mockingly on the back hard enough to where he almost knocks his ancient family spell book out of his hands.

"Careful you imbecile! Why for the love of God would I ever just hand over a fae like them to you anyways? Besides I'm the one who is better at magic and have been doing it for way longer!" Arthur loathes the idea of having Alfred take the one darling that suits his impossibly high standards.

"Because you suck at life dude. They're MINE." He glares at Arthur in disdain.

Just as they were about to start physically fighting they were interrupted by France.

"Oh come on you two. We actually have to catch zehm first before you can argue who gets to keep zhem. Last I checked you two got your asses kicked by the witch last week and the week before that mermaid darling almost drowned the both of you. The only way we can stop these Class S darlings from getting away is by achieving zome team harmony."

"I hate to say it but the Frenchie is right." Arthur relents. "I'm actually going to need more manpower so this spell can be expedited and be more potent."


You began to notice that there were more people outside of your usual clientele. There wasn't an event going on nearby either. And that they were keeping a keen eye on you and your staff a little more so than usual. Or maybe was all in your head..... you hoped.

"Remember (y/n) you have to keep, calm, cool and collected. No showing of any weakness. Unless you want to be questioned." You repeated to yourself in your mind. You were just a tad bit nervous. Even though you had up your facade, there were still cracks within it was ill-fated that one of Jones' agents caught on to its faint crack. The slight hesitation you showed on your facial expression when your lips twitched ever so slightly at the sight of one of his agents was all they needed to further confirmed that you were one of the loose fae's. The elusive flicker of fear in your eyes also didn't help your case either.

But so you persisted through the rest of the day, in your endeavor to cover up the fact that you were a Class S Darling.


As you began to finish up your closing tasks with your evening shift with Class B darlings and a few Beta's you tried your best to ignore a few figures outside that seemed to never leave the view of your shops window.

Just as you were about to lock the front door. Jones and Kirkland saunter in with a few other men in tow.

"Oh shit." That was all you could think of as they all brush past you and block you from being able to close the shop.

All the men were clothed in either black suits or elaborate sorcerer outfits that read to you as the highest-ranking there were. You knew you were in trouble.

"(Full Name)" Alfred says in a loud voice that catches the attention of the rest of your staff. It basically could have been thunder by the way he exclaimed your name loudly. They all freeze from doing their duties and turn their attention to the scene that was about to unfold before them.

The men surrounded you in a circle. There were nine of them all of them having an intimidating aura to them. An Italian, German, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Canadian, Frenchman, and the two you saw earlier the American named Jones and the Englishman.

Even though you were presented with an impossible situation. It wasn't enough to make you give up your freedom that easily. As someone who's played the role of an Alpha for so long you were going to fight like one too.

"What can I do for you gentlemen?" You hiss out the last word in annoyance. You clearly just wanted to go home and be done with this entire situation. You crossed your arms to try and prove that you were going to remain in control.

"We have reasonable evidence to prove that your actually a fae... a Class S darling. That needs to have an elite Alpha, to abide by." Alfred pulls out a file and begins to walk towards you like a lion getting ready to pounce on its prey. He stops short of one foot in front of you and reads out damning evidence that you're not the Alpha that you've been pretending to be.

"(First name) passing our Alpha test when you were 20 by using your ....magic.... Such as casting a strength spell to up your muscle and a forgetfulness spell so your observers would miss other questions and tests that they were supposed to ask of you." He leers his eyes up and away from the file to take in your full reaction to the accusations. Alfred's blue eyes pierced into yours practically challenging you to deny his claims. Your (e/c) were beginning to brim over with fear and anger.

You try to concentrate on your getaway spell but for some reason, your mind was clouded and unable to process much of anything that was going on anymore. That's when you vaguely realized that the Englishman from earlier was chanting an Experimentum optimum verissimum, a spell that allows the caster to use their magic against them.

"They came prepared for this?!? That spell at least takes a few days to prepare!" That was all you could think of before trying to summon your flame sword to protect yourself from the nine frightening men that had overtaken your store.

However, Alfred sees this and effortlessly kicks your weapon out of your hand and pins you to the floor with his strength. You could tell by how swiftly he moved that he was way stronger than he was perceived to be. His muscular frame held you in place and the other eight men brought out their crystals to siphon off your powers and crush any hope you had of using your powers to save yourself.

"Get off me!" You yell and try to kick him off. However, with each passing second your body grew heavier and heavier it was as if someone attached bricks to your limbs. Your head was spinning as if you had spent the last few minutes taking shots of alcohol. You were beginning to lose consciousness.

Alfred's eyes gleam with triumph. He chuckles a little as he gazes at you. Just before you fully blackout you hear him say in a macabre way:

"It's time you get with the program (Y/N), as my darling." He watches you as you fade into the dark spell that had engulfed you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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