❄ 8: Finn ❄

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Hannah fell asleep soon after, her soft breath puffing against his chest, and while it should have been soothing with the beast sated and quiet in his head, the human thoughts that remained were panicked.

He had done it. He had claimed her and god, it was amazing except now that letting her go would be utterly impossible. Saying no to her had been impossible as she had mounted him, bare and aroused so that her scent left him lightheaded and his control unraveled until there was nothing but a mindless lust and need to consummate.

He didn't blame her. God, she had given him ample opportunity to reject her. Each advance of hers was a slow and cautious question, as if waiting for him to refuse her. She had not forced him, and she had not even needed to coerce him as he watched his fantasy playing out before his very eyes and had immediately given in.

He meant to protect her from himself, but at the first test, he caved. Now they would both pay for his weakness. She didn't understand because he had been too ashamed to explain to her exactly what he'd done that got him exiled from his home. If he'd just humbled himself and told her the story, maybe she would have hated him—or at least have been wary enough of him that she hadn't tempted him so strongly.

He was still in his panic when his mate woke again. Her sleepy eyes looked up at him in surprise before recognition set in and a lazy smile curved on her lips, causing his cock to twitch. Though his skin was still chilled from his cold sweat earlier, he pasted a smile on his face, and she reached a hand up, stroking her thumb over his lip. It's tender and likely slightly swollen, like hers after nipping and sucking at each other's mouths. A trail of redness from her down her throat and over her chest from his beard is a visual reminder of his claim.

"How are you feeling?" she asked, pushing her thumb into his mouth and she licked her lips as he sucked on it. His cock twitched again, ready to take her again.

"Never been better," he lied, and before he could ask her, a gurgling from her stomach answered. He laughed, and she gave him a sheepish grin. Ignoring his growing erection, he rolled out of bed, scooping up a pair of boxers as he headed to the kitchen to make food for him and his mate. He's starving as well.

She got out of bed not too long after him and rushed to the bathroom. Just when he started to worry about her, she reappeared and walked over to one of the flannels lying on the floor, grabbing it and lifting it up to her nose. She breathed in deeply and her expression turned blissful. An ache bloomed in his chest when he realized that it's the shirt he was wearing earlier. She met his eyes over the fabric before pulling it on, only buttoning a few buttons near the bottom, leaving a deep V between her breasts that teased him.

He put on another kettle for tea since neither of them had much of a chance to finish their old cups. Hannah took a seat on the counter nearby, watching as he worked, and he was intently aware of her presence.

When he handed her a cup of tea, she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his boxers, pulling him between her legs. She kissed him, softly at first, but then it was all tongues and he was pressing against her, pinning her back across the half wall behind. Just when he thought they'd abandon dinner to head back to the bed, she pushed him away with a mischievous smile and thanked him for the tea, taking a sip of the tea with teasing eyes.

He couldn't help but smile before returning to work. As he cooked, they shared a few more breathtaking embraces, each leaving him progressively more frustrated. By the time food was done, he was ready to scarf it down and carry her off back to the bed.

She seemed to find no end of amusement in tormenting him, though, as she ate her food in slow, dainty bites, savoring each piece. He was trying not to convey his urgency, so even once his plate was scraped clean, he calmly began doing dishes and only when he was finishing the last one did she hand him hers. Then she shut herself in the bathroom again.

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