Author's note

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Hi everyone, thank you for clicking on this story and choosing to read this! 

I assume that most people who are here are already fans of Stella Blómkvist, so I don't need to explain what this is about, but basically it will be a collection of short stories inspired by the series. For those who have not watched season 2 yet, I think my stories will be mostly spoiler free, but if I write anything that gives away major clues about the plot of S2, I will make sure to put a warning! First spoiler comes in the next sentence, so be warned, but it's not a big one. 

I will mostly follow the line of events of the series, but I have chosen to keep Dagbjört's husband alive, just because it's more practical when writing and because I'd feel bad for Perla otherwise lol. Other than that I think most things will be the same. I have a few stories planned out in my head, I just need to get round to actually writing them down lol, I hope I will be able to do that soon! 

Anyway, enjoy the first story and please leave a vote and a comment if you liked it! Especially a comment, feedback is really important and I'd love to hear your thoughts ♥ 

See ya on the other side! 

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