Always Been Mine

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She woke up just like every other day. The birds chirped outside, not giving her the comfort Sleeping Beauty would talk about in her old fairytale books. The day was going to be as excruciating as the rest. As Jude sat up, the shirt that she wore to sleep every night, slid back down to her hips. As each day passed, the scent would get weaker. She didn't know what would happen if it stopped smelling like him. It was already hard sleeping at night. Certain times, she had needed to take NyQuil to get her to sleep. The only bit of home she got was the tunic she stole from him. The only thing keeping her sane. Even the sanity was starting to escape her. She needed to see him again. Feel him. Even if it was just a little glance or a feel of his hands. It would bring contentment to her body.

Her muscles were getting smaller. She hadn't had a duel in a long time. The energy to fight wasn't in her anymore. There wasn't anything to fight for left. It infuriated her that she didn't feel as angry as she should be. A year ago, she would have gone and ripped his head off peacefully. She would've done it with pleasure too. Taking amusement in decapitating the young fae's body. But now, she would be the one beheading anyone who would touch him in that manner. That's what upset her the most. Now without her protection, he looked like a pig on a stick. Ready to be attacked at any time, if he hadn't already.

She still questions why he did it. Why did he unite them together the night before? Why did he banish her? She chose to avoid the questions erupting in her head again. Her stomach growled.

Jude got up to make herself breakfast and get ready for another day in the human world. The room Vivi gave her was a mess. Even though she knows where everything is, Taryn would freak looking at it. She didn't give two fucks though.

Going into the kitchen she went to the fridge and got the egg carton and butter out. After she made herself breakfast, Vivi walked in. She looked cautious as she sat on a stool.

"Hey sis," Vivi said.

"Is there something wrong?" Jude asked in concern.

"Nothing that big. Taryn sent a letter talking about the current events in Elfame."

"Okay?" she said confused, "what, did Queen Orlagh finally take over the land?" Vivi got a pained expression on her face.

"Well, yeah kinda." Jude paused what she was doing.

"What do you mean?"

"Apparently the High King of Elfame is going to get married to the princess of the Undersea."

Jude froze in place. What did Vivi mean by "get married"? Was this always the plan? Cardan finally gets rid of her and decides to marry his old lover. She knew he had been tricking her. She knew it. He would never be any different than any other fae. This is not like Jude at all. She shouldn't give a damn about a drunk black-haired boy. His tail can fuck off for all she cared. He deserved the same pain that she's been through these past months. Then Jude smelled something burning.

"Jude the eggs!" Oh, fuck! She quickly picked up the pan, put it in the sink, and turned the water on.

"WHEN?!!" Jude shouted, making Vivi jump.

"When, what?"

"When is the wedding ceremony?!"

"Ugh, well Taryn sent the letter a few days ago so any day now, I guess."

"This can't happen."

"What? Jude, it's impossible to change it now. Queen Orlagh would kill anyone in her way for control of the land."

"Just watch me. I'm not just gonna give up all the work I did to lead Elfame," Jude stated. She almost got herself killed multiple times to make sure Elfame was in good hands. She wasn't gonna let that change now, even if she was banished. Jude left the kitchen and started walking to her room.

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