Y/N the god of speed Savitor

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Author Vortex:Guess who's back? back aga—okay yeah I'm not doing that to cringy or maybe it's not hmmmmm blah whatever *opens a portal behind him*

Out of the portal his throne appears looking nicely as always

Sitting down on it Author Vortex appears to be in the void of darkness with only himself and the throne there

Author Vortex:Allow me to tell you guys a story of another dark Y/N only this time he'll not just end up being dark but he's story is also dark *mumbles * well mostly mostly the dialogue story explanation BUT! let us waste no time *snaps his fingers* enjoy

Both Author Vortex and his throne disappear as a singular red orb appears in front of the screen where it then scatters into small particles

Those sand red particles begin to create the setting of the first location in this story which is an alleyway and it was night time

Things seemed quiet here in this area as nothing seems to be really out of place just some trash cans and puddles there but all of a sudden the wall to the left of the alleyway gets destroyed as a figure is seen being thrown out of the place and into the alleyway where they crash into a garage door denting it

???:Your poor assassination attempt to end my life was poorly done and pathetic

A voice could be heard coming from where the figure was thrown from

Blue lights and eyes could be seen hiding in the smoke with each step forward the second figure begins to reveal himself to be

Author Vortex:This Y/N was brought into a world where he was beaten and tortured for no apparent reason

Tall the figure was as he was covered in a very heavy looking armor that went from head to toe not showing any weals spots nor areas where you could see skin

Author Vortex:In the beginning he was a happy child living with a happy family which he lost because of Fallen angels, heroes and villains

The blue lights that appear from him seem to come from his eyes, neck, sides and in between his legs

Author Vortex:This tragedy made him be determined to become a hero so he could take down the once who took his family away

The man had no face as it hid behind a helmet

Author Vortex:In his search of strength he had found love a love that expanded with other girls but all of sudden those same girls he gave his heart to his trust turned their back on him and even worse than that they abused him, tortured him and framed him for things he would never do

This tall figure sends intimidation and fear to all that look at him especially if you look straight at his face when he glares

Author Vortex:From his tears of pain something inside of him awoken a wraith that would put others to kneel before him and from that wraith came hope a lightning bolt of hope that changed him to become something side

He is the one who cleans up after all those fakes and the one who knows how to get the job done when no villain can

Author Vortex:Those who hurt him turned poor little Y/N L/N into a monsters—no a demon-no a god who names himself as

Author Vortex:Those who hurt him turned poor little Y/N L/N into a monsters—no a demon-no a god who names himself as

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