part 1, pilot

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(warning! theres some talk about blood and violence)

(reader pov)

do you know what it genuinely feels like to have your life stripped away from you? the feeling of utter despair and the feeling of your heart being ripped from your chest as you scream for someone, anyone, to just take this feeling and store it away where it cant hurt you anymore?

thats what they put me through.

thats what she put me through.

its her fault.

all HER fault.


the feeling of drenched clothes sticking to my body was enough to make me scream not to mention the hot feeling of blood dripping from my now cut head.

i couldn't remember what happened, it was all so sudden? the explosion. the screaming. the people fleeing but only making it so far before the enforcers burst into action killing any who tried to make it out alive. it was only me now and the feeling of anguish. the bubbling feeling of a scream threatening to reach out and call them over here and lead me to my death was strong but the exhausted feeling kept me at bay and i just laid there. fragile and weak.

it was hard to breathe, the dust from the debris lingered in the air making it hard to see and make out anyone who was in my general vicinity.

there was a man, rather tall and bulky. he had two gauntlets and he was finishing off an enforcer, i wont lie when i say i wouldve rather had him finish me off as well but he didnt.

he glanced over towards me and frowned, my small body limp and my head bleeding more so then it was. i was just a fragile child and he could've left me there. i always ask myself why he didnt but i never got far trying to come up with some sort of explaination.

the man came towards me, he was a lot taller and larger up close, i was utterly terrified but with my condition all i could do was let out a quiet whimper as he lifted me carefully in his arms and spoke to me softly.

"you're awfully banged up kid.." he said, "ill get you some help, stay with me okay?"

thats all i remember before it all went black.

a god named sin (jinx x reader)Where stories live. Discover now