01- Anpanman

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Sitting on my scooter in the hottest weather possible with a cap on my head, sipping from a can of coca cola while looking at the busy street and a billboard of 7 godly men reading "BTS IN INDIA" was something not in my plans today.

Originally I had decided to wake up in my warm fluffy bed-

Nah that's a lie. Let me rephrase it.

Originally I had decided to wake up from a comforting sleep on the 20 year old bed handed down by my elder brother when he left for college till 10 am and then have a peaceful day including watching movies, drooling over hot fictional men and sitting like a potato doing absolutely nothing but increasing the weight of Earth the whole day.

The normal everyday routine, right?

But that couldn't happen when the evil witch otherwise known as my Mom to the outer world flipped my whole schedule upside down.

"Stop being a home worm the whole day  and go outside and show the world your face. I will be surprised if the Sun doesn't change it's direction, shocked to see your face after years."

Those were her exact words and I was rather harshly sent for a bath and then kicked out of the door with some money as soon as I changed.

Atleast she gave me money.

And so well here I was in the streets of Mumbai bored out of my mind having no idea what to do.

Never in my life I regretted being an introvert and having no friends but now standing out here with absolute no knowledge of outer world and zero friends to hang out with it would be a lie to say I didn't feel a pang of sadness.

Maybe coming out of my shy bubble at high school years ago and making friends would have been a good idea.

Because let's be honest,

What am I even supposed to do here?

I feel like a pineapple topping on pizza.

Having an inner battle of whether to just go and watch a movie or just wait outside the lobby of my flat completing my pending novel till the Sun sets my thoughts were interrupted when I saw something shiny on the ground few feet away from me.

What was that?

Is that a coin?

Excited to know it's existence I stood up from my scooter taking off my cap holding it in one hand and made my way to that shiny thing before sitting on the side street and picking it up.

It's a coin.

Free money?


I was about to stand up and do a happy dance unable to keep my excitement but someone passing by suddenly threw something in the cap in my hands making me stop.

What the hell?

Taking a good look at the content in my cap my eyes widened.

A two rupees coin.

Do I look like a beggar to him?

And that's when I realized my rather awkward position.

I was sitting on the side street with my hand outstretched holding a cap, a coin in my another hand, my eyes looking at it as if I found a national treasure or even better, a pasta with the perfect amount of sauce.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2021 ⏰

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