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"I've been thinking about this, actually," Dream clarified, not wanting this to seem like an offhand suggestion, "I have been for a while, I just wanted to wait until you were, you know, actually here and settled in and now, well, we're at that point."

George nodded up to Dream, indicating for him to continue and finish this thought that really was brought up out of nowhere, though that was a pretty usual occurrence from the other, encouraging on with patient interest, "Which would be what, Dream?"

He took a breath, then had to pause, holding it and them there, a beat of silence passing between the two as he took in everything he had been putting off, which was essentially this conversation, as he had been setting it all on the side for months, Dream anxiously needing to get this off his chest, knowing it was the inevitable and he just had to actually breach the subject to the other, letting it and them and whatever came next to move forward as he exhaled, a release that made him endlessly flustered, but firm it was a necessity.

"Maybe we should try dating."

George blinked at him when the statement registered after a long, long moment. His first reaction was suspicion as he narrowed his eyes, scanned Dream's face for anything untoward, but only blinked again when he found no sense of joke anywhere on the other's features, which, to be put plainly, was quite odd.

He spoke slowly, carefully, like his words might bring any sort of sense to this, "What do you mean, us.. dating?"

Dream turned his face to the side as he let out a breathy chuckle, "I honestly don't think I could be more straightforward. Dating seems like the most logical next step for me and you."

George's confusion etched over his face, his voice trying to be exasperated but it was edging on weak as he responded, "When did I confess to you, Dream? Genuinely don't know where this is coming from."

Dream glanced back at him, giving George a knowing look that made the other immediately swallow down his defiance. "We've always been a little more than friends, George, don't play dumb."

The other scoffed, looking away with a reddened face, all the bite lost as soon as it passed from his lips, "Okay, whatever, more than friends is still a lot different than actually liking each other."

"So, you don't have any feelings for me? That's just not true. Look, it doesn't have to be like this, no sense to skirt around and avoid it. I know we both feel the same, which is literally the only reason I'm bringing this up."

George's eyes were wide as he slowly dragged his gaze back up to Dream's, the other nervous but unwavering. "You're saying you like me? And want to date me?"

"That's what I've been saying this whole time," Dream replied defensively.

George didn't know what to think, didn't know what to say, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to respond, but he had nothing.

Dream sighed, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, eager to get George on the same page and out of this awkward conversation. "Look, obviously we have enough tension in our current relationship for millions of people to already believe we're dating, or at least should be. I think we should at least try, because, from what I know of us, we would have something really good together. I'm not saying I'm dissatisfied being friends, I just know that we mutually have something romantic for the other and I don't see a reason why we can't go for it."

George listened, trying to wrap his head around the offer, putting a hand up over his mouth to hide, both of their faces burning, heartbeats fast as this was put on the table by Dream, that they could be together. He cleared his throat, eyes focused on the other's sleeve as he asked, "What.. what would change, then. What would we, like, do?"

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