Chapter 13

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*Meanwhile* Jack's Pov

A lot has changed since (y/n) died. I've changed..I haven't been to the cabin since.... I haven't seen North or Tooth or anyone since.. Aloke hasn't talked to me at all. I don't expect him to, it's my fault she died.

No! Stop thinking about her and what happened. It was Pitch. He got in her head and messed her up. She was sick and no one knew how bad until it was to late...

Right now I'm on a mission, rumors have spread about a new spirit, a guardian to be exact..and they aren't in the best content. I've heard the Outers got them.

The Outers are magical begins who capture other magical beings, including spirits. They put their captives in an arena and have challenger compete one at a time. The challenger is showed the 'inventory', as they called it, the challenger would select their serveant and they would fight until one was unable to stand (or dead). The winner would get the captive creature as a pet....and I don't mean like a dog or a cat. I mean like slaves used for horrible things...

I made my way to the arena with my face cover with a long black cloak. I sat close enough to able see yet far so no one could see me. As far everyone knows I'm dead and Manny's doing my job until he can find a suitable replacement.

Then a tall, black (neon blue tips) haired man walked out into the center of the arena. That's leader of the Outers, Johnathan. "Welcome, everyone, to the Outers Night Out Arena! Thank you all for coming. Tonight is a very special night, it is indeed. Tonight ladies and gentlemen, we have a guardian in our inventory."

The crowd began to whisper to one another in shock. I heard some of them say, "A guardian?" or "Is it Jack's replacement." Rude much. I tuned out the mumbling crowd and continued to listen. "Yes, yes, I know. I'm just as shocked as you, but whoever wins her will be very pleased with her services. Now who will be tonight's first challenger?" Johnathan said. I stood and jumped down in front of Johnathan.

"I will." I said. Johnathan smiled like some kind of creeper and turned me to face the crowd with his hand on my back. It was kinda creepy because he kept sliding his hand down until he touch my butt. What the hell is trying to do?! I ain't sleeping with his sorry ass!

"Wonderful. We have our champion. Come take your pick."

I stopped him. "No need. I know what I want and I want the guardian." Johnathan's smile got creepier. "Oh, you like a challenge, do you?" he asked. "Call me sometime and we can chat." he said quietly.

"You get say that and no I'm not going to call you. I'm not desperate."

"Says the guy fighting a pet for his own pleasures..." he said, smirking. I felt my cheeks heat up. "Shut up, bastard. I'm on a job for my boss. Now enough talk bring out the guardian." Johnathan nodded and whistled to his goons. "Bring out the Beast!" he called. Then they were gone.

The Beast?

The goons later came back with a girl, who morphed into a wolf before I could see her face.

I'm going to die....again.

Johnathan and his goons got out of there as soon as the wolf snapped her chain. "Good luck! You'll need it." Johnathan called.

The wolf circled around me and I pointed my staff at her.

This is going to be the hardest thing I ever had to do in my immortal life. The wolf watched me with its honey colored eyes. They were filled with pain, anger, fear, and pure worry. I felt bad and had to get her out of here. It was like we spoke through our facial expressions. The wolf girl growled at me showing her teeth, but I could tell she wanted and needed my help.

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