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Jisung's pov

I was on my way to Chan hyung's dorm when the event that happened in the ice cream shop flashed through my mind. 'Maybe i should move on since Minho hyung will never return my feeling.' I sighed as I continue walking.

I stopped once I reached Chan hyung's dorm and knocked lightly on the door. I was expecting to see Chan hyung but I was met with Minho hyung's face when the door opened.

"H-hi Minho h-hyung. . ." I blushed slightly as he was half shirtless.

"Hi, you're here to meet Chan right?" He asked

"Y-yes." A moment of silence.

"Chan's in the kitchen. You can sit here while waiting for him. I'm going to take a bath." He said while pointing on a nearby couch.

"Ok." I said as I sit on the couch.

A few minutes later, Chan appeared. "Chan hyung chan hyung chan hyung!" I said with a cheerful face.

He smiled when he saw my bright smile. "Hey sung!" He said, going back to work on his project.

"I bought a new chapstick! It has a strong strawberry scent and flavour. Wanna try it out?"

"Yeah, sure!" He replied as it was a usual thing. I mean it had happened for a long time and seemed usual for all my friends, well, besides Minho hyung of course.

I immediately screamed in bliss and the word thank you was ceaselessly came out of my mouth. I then took out the new chapstick I bought virgously from my jeans pocket before putting them on.

"Done hyungie!"

He hyung turned his chair and faced me, his arms were opened widely, gesturing me to come in.

I ran over into his embrace as I put both of my hand on his broad shoulders. He automatically placed me between his legs, his arms wrapped around my petite waist.

I bent down and closed the gap. And the usual thing happened. Our lips touched as he give a slightly long suck on my bottom lip before pulling away.

"Woah, it has a slight sweet taste and the strawberry flavour is good." He said, his eyes widened. "Can I have it again?" He smiled sheepishly.

I nodded as I did the same thing I did as before. This time, someone got in and disturb our 'lipbalm tasting' session.

And the person was. . . unfortunately Minho hyung.

"Hyung I need - "

No one pov

Chan was in state of shock. He push the boy slightly  hard, enough to make Jisung stumble back. And it actually made Minho kinda mad.

Imagine hurting the love of his life, Minho coudn't relate.

The raven-locks raised an eyebrow, "tch, traitor." That was the last word he said before closing the door behind him fiercely and walked away.

Chan put both of his elbows on his lap and snuggled his face onto his palm. "How to explain this thing out."

A bewildered Jisung who crooked his head to the side now approaching Chan who look frustrated.

"E-eum. . . Chan hyung, what ha-happens?" He inquired with a tremble voice. He was both shock and terrified.

"Listen to me Jisung, go talk to him, explain what happened. Just do it or I won't buy you cheesecake anymore." Chan sighed.

Jisung stayed silent for a while before shaking his head left and right. Chan sighed once again and pushed Jisung lightly out of the room. He then slammed the door before the younger's face.

In the middle of his way to his dorm, he just realized what Chan had said. "Wait, what? He won't buy me cheesecake anymore if I don't tell Minho hyung about the whole thing?!"

He shouted loudly, and I'm pretty sure, well, everyone's pretty sure that Minho definitely heard it.

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