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A legend that is older than any kingdoms, with which little children are scared for bad behavior

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A legend that is older than any kingdoms, with which little children are scared for bad behavior. Have you heard of The Last Witch? Witches, several times more than any cookie. Teeth that shattered even the toughest warriors. Additional limbs on the hands or, as it was said in the ancient book, "fingers" with which they could grab naughty children and drag them into their den to eat later. A long nose that can smell any crumb from a mile away. Isn't it scary? When you might be eaten. But this is just one silly bedtime story told to little cookies for their pranks. Could such monsters exist? But what if it's true? That once thousands of years ago, they existed? What if one of them is walking through the forest right now looking for us? What nonsense.
Legends are based on truth.
Black. This is all you could see with your eyes closed in your cryogenic dream. Isn't it wonderful when you can just fall asleep and wake up in a completely new time, world? What was completely different from the past, became much better and more beautiful? Until one day. Until "this" happened, day X, how else can you call it? The day it went downhill? When did everyone die? Another mistake people made for which they all paid with their lives. Everything turned into dust and heaps of stones. Almost nothing is left of the former civilization.
You, all that is left of a past life, you and your ship, which is well hidden. Far underground, stuck in cryogenic sleep for several thousand years, the cells of your body have mutated, outwardly nothing has changed, like your inner one. This is problem. Even after a few years. Nothing changed. There are no wrinkles, no back pains, not a single hint of old age. Congratulations, you are immortal. It must be great to be far underground in your ship. You don't need water or food, you don't even need sleep. But you keep doing it day after day, year after year. You have read every book in your huge library that rivals the great Library of Congress. Formerly known as the largest library in the world. You are growing vegetables with emergency seeds, under artificial light. Just like your former neighbors. Isn't it wonderful to live and exist alone? This can be a great opportunity for introverts to live, but how can you live life without a pet? Maybe a cat? Or a turtle, a dog? You are already tired of rereading every book for the hundredth time. Tired of watching movies left over from your time. Is it time to go outside? You want friends, am I not your friend? Sorry, sorry, but are you sure? Good let it be your way. Don't be surprised if you stumble upon a 4.7-foot-high living cookie, okay? If you come across too appetizing-looking "dogs" or something like that. So don't forget to take your weapon with you-What? No, no, I'm not saying that everyone will attack you, you cannot be killed, remember? But just in case, take a pistol, I'm worried.
Leaving already? Thank you for taking the weapon. Come as soon as possible and be careful.
I will wait for you here at home.

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[You want to stay on your ship a little longer] or [You are determined to come to the surface]

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