Chap 1

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Note: After hearing that Jane is former CIA, and based off things that I heard in the previous episode, I'm now pretty curious as to if she is 1 of Hetty's prodigies! (man, that would be so cool! Especially since I've been getting a Hetty-like vibe from her since the pilot!)

Enjoy this speculation fic!


After a few rounds of cards, and a few drinks. Jane went up to bed, exhausted by the day's events.

A CIA agent had been hunted, and with some help from Kate, were able to keep her safe.

She had also gotten some motivational help from Maggie, a close relative.

The whole thing made her think back to when she was recruited to the CIA.

She had gotten out of collage, and was wondering what to do with her life. Then 1 day, a dude in a suit had come up to her and handed her a file. He was from the CIA and he wanted to recruit her.

'What would they want with me?' She thought as she packed her bags and headed to the mainland.

When they were on the plane, she asked the suit dude why he wanted to recruit her.

'That's not for me to discuss. Also, someone else wants to recruit you, I'm just following my orders.' The dude replied.

'So it's someone else? Who would want anything to do with me?' Jane thought.

When they got to HQ, she was escorted to the office of the person who wanted to recruit her. And there, she saw a small, but serious looking woman.

'Who are you?' She asked.

'I'm Henrietta Lange, Miss Tennant. I trust you got in okay?' The woman replied.

'I did, but I'm a bit confused. Are you the person who wants to recruit me?'

'Yes, I am. You have skills that would be very valuable to this agency and to this country.'

'But, how can that be? You're really small, and a woman. Yet, you're a spy? And each time I kept wanting to know who the person who wants to recruit me is like, I kept getting weird looks and a 'you don't want to know' vibe.' Jane asked, sounding confused.

Hetty chuckled, amused at the confusion. 'Don't mind the silliness. I'm, a bit different then all the other agents, and more skilled, and as such, they're intimidated by me. But, I am the real deal, Miss Tennant. And I'm confident that with the right training, you would be a great agent! Now, would you care to sit down and have tea with me?'

After sitting down and having their tea, the women continued their conversation.

'So, how long have I been on the CIA's radar?' Jane asked.

'A while. The agency has been in need of fresh blood for a while now, and very bright minds with smarts and certain skill sets are needed for our jobs. 1 of your relatives works here, Maggie, is that her name?' Hetty replied.


'Well, she told us about you, and you sounded like a bright young person. So, we've been watching you for a while. I read 1 of your collage papers, and I was very intrigued. When I went over your history, it convinced me that you are someone who could be of great asset to this agency!'

'This feels very invasive'.

'It is. But this is 1 of the things that are part of the job, unfortunately.'

'What does being an agent here mean? What do you all do?' Jane asked.

'We get to travel all over the world hunting dangerous criminals, and have very cool gadgets to work with. While it all may sound cool on paper, the secrecy and mental toll of it all, is the most challenging. There are many secrets that we must keep, from our friends and family, all in the name of safety. Not everyone is cut out for it.'

'And, you think I'm cut out for it.'

'I do. You don't have to say yes if you don't want the job, in fact, I encourage you to think this offer over. This job is far from easy, but then again, keeping this country safe never is!' Hetty replied.

Jane said she'd think it over. And after shaking Hetty's hand, she left.

She pondered on and off again if she should accept the offer.

'Am I really cut out for a life of secrecy and danger?' She thought. She also wondered if she had what it took to actually kill someone in self defense if she had to.

Then she thought of what Hetty said, how her smarts is why she was even being considered for the job.

'Well, maybe I could be hired on as a consultant of sorts instead of an agent.' She thought.

She called Hetty and told her that she was going to accept her offer, under the condition that she would work with computers for the time being. Hetty accepted her offer.

She worked with the tech people for a time, before becoming bored with a desk job.

'Would you train me if I asked to work in the field?' She asked Hetty one day.

Hetty sounded delighted. 'I would! What made you change your mind?'

'I'm bored with desk duty.'

The training was rough and tough, and at times unbearable. Yet through it all, Hetty remained patient with her. Jane was amazed at how calm she was, even during her periods of being frustrated.

'How are you always this calm?' She asked.

'Yoga, and Zen help. Along with appropriate drinks.' Hetty replied.

After becoming an agent, she traveled all over the world on missions with Maggie. And after a few years, she left and joined NCIS.

When she got the job as the first female agent to lead the Hawaii office, she called Hetty to tell her the good news.

'That's wonderful news!' She replied, happy.

'Yeah, I hope you'll be able to come by sometime and see my new office!'

'I hope to someday as well, dear.'

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