Chapter 4

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Lin FengMian and his two friends went inside the office. Lu Yin got up from his chair and flashed a smile towards his three friends. Lu Yin became friends with the three of them when those three began to frequent the bar. At first, he thought the other party was a film emperor so it might be a bit hard to get along with him but after talking a bit, the other person was just used to having a cold façade and because of being deceived and got taken advantage of since young because of his family background had caused him not to trust others that easily and he only had two true friends. He is the perfect epitome of what people say "cold on the outside, soft in the inside".

Lin Feng Mian, Wu Wen and Shao Qing sat down on the couch. Lu Yin asked, "Hey, your party is already over? Why did you come to me this time? Do you have any business to tell?"

"Came to say thank you for the hall and food and stuff", Feng Mian replied. "Yeah yeah, especially, the food. It's so good. Last time, we came it wasn't that delicious. Did you secretly hire a famous cook?" asked Wu Wen as a gluttonous he was, he just couldn't shut his mouth telling how delicious it was.

"No, there was no cook before. I didn't hire one because I thought it was unnecessary. But the newcomer this time, he said he could cook well and that he wanted to work as a cook here, I thought it might come in handy one day so I hired him." Lu Yin said.

"Hmm, it was delicious," said Feng Mian. "Oh, what about that piano boy? I think I haven't seen him here before though." "Oh, don't expect me to tell his information. The rules are rules." Said Lu Yin. "But he is really a good boy." Lu Yin said, with a bit of sympathy in his eyes.

Of course, it was only a flash but Feng Mian caught it. He thought maybe, the boy's situation was not that good. Maybe he was under a lot of stress that's why the song he played sounded a bit sad and lonely. Well, if he can't know his identity, it doesn't matter much. It's not like they are going to meet again.

Soon, the matter about the piano boy was put into the back of the mind of four people here. Shao Qing then said, "Oh right, we came here for business." "What business?" asked Lu Yin,

"Oh, isn't it Old Lin's 65th birthday next week? Our parents asked to invite you. Remember to come to the party at Queen Hotel next Monday," answered Xiao Wu.

"Yes, grandpa has been mentioning you lately. He misses your grandpa a lot these days, and he asked me to invite you to his birthday," added Feng Mian.

The Lins, Shaos, Wus, and Lus were four giant families in well-known in China. The Lins, Shaos, and Wus lived in capital city and only the Lu family lived in S city. So even though some people might know about the four richest family, they would only recognize the Lu family who lived here in S city and there weren't that many people who would recognize the three family here in S city, after all they had been quite low-key. There might have been some people who noticed the surname, but they would at most think that they had the same surname. Who would have imagined that the youngest son of the Lin family, the richest family among the four, would go to the entertainment industry to become an actor, and not inherit the billion assets of his family?

But the reason for this was only known to those who were fairly close to the family or those higher-ups from the government. There were only two children in this generation in Lin family. Old Lin, who was the previous patriarch of the family, had one son, Lin Mo, and one daughter, Lin Yichen. Grandma Lin passed away long ago, shortly after the eldest grandson was born. Lin Fengmian's father, that is, Lin Mo, married mother Lin and had two sons, Lin ZiHeng, 30 years old this year, the eldest son of Lin family, and also the heir, and Lin FengMian, who had become 26 years old this year.

Aunt Lin didn't marry, because she said she hadn't met her true one, and that she didn't want to marry just for the family and for business. Well, why would their family marry off their only daughter to another family when their family didn't need things anymore? So, grandpa Lin followed her wish, and Aunt Lin was still single to this day. Their Lin family members' relationship was not as strained as those portrayed in TV Dramas. After all, the previous generation only have one son and one daughter. The son inherited the family business, and the daughter opened her own design company. This generation also only had two sons. The eldest son had been excellent throughout his life, and he had expressed that he was interested in managing the family business. And the youngest son had openly confessed to his family that he didn't want to inherit, but he wanted to become an actor. So, it was pretty much confirmed that the eldest son would inherit the business.

Anyway, their Lin family and other three families had the same situations, and the heirs to these families had been pretty much confirmed long ago. So, there were no in-fighting between the brothers, and no dramas of illegitimate child coming back to fight for the right to inherit.

Their four families had been friends for generations, and grandpa Lin was the closest to grandpa Lu. But grandpa Lu passed away about 6 years ago due to heart attack. And around this time, grandpa Lin would begin to reminisce about their youth and school days. He would start to miss his friend and his friend only had one son and one grandson. So, he would always ask Lin Fengmian to go and visit his friend's only grandson Lu Yin and invite him to his birthday party.

This year was the same. "Yes, I remember it's almost the time for old Lin's birthday. I won't forget to come. Also, convey my regards for old Lin."; replied Lu Yin.

"Yea, I got it. We came here to remind you this." Fengmian said with a smile. "By the way, have your business been good these days? I see so many people frequenting your bar. I can even see famous actors and actresses I thought I would never meet." Said Wu Wen abruptly, drawing attention from three other young men. Wu Wen was somewhat embarrassed having interrupted their serious topic, anyway he also knew they wouldn't mind, he had always been a straightforward and honest person who would always say whatever came to his mind, sometimes not minding the time and place. "What! Why are you guys looking at me?! Is what I just said wrong? No, bah!" humped Wu Wen.

Well, this was their youngest friend, after all. They should take a blind eye to his habit of talking whenever he liked.

"Well well, what our youngest said isn't wrong. Who said you said wrong? After all, you can only be right, not wrong. Is that right, Mr. Gossip king?" teased Shao Qing, with an impeccable smile hanging on his lips. Wu Wen was so aggrieved and enraged that he wanted to squeeze and stretch this Shao-bastard-best-at-teasing-the-youngest-Qing. Sha Qing, seeing that his Xiao Wu was so angry with his cheeks puffed up, looking cute, stopped teasing but the slight smile on his lips can still be seen. After all, he really liked teasing his little hamster Xiao Wu all the time. Fengmian saw their interactions, and looked at them with some unexplainable meaning in his eyes, but said nothing in the end. Ha sighed Fengmian. Who made them his friend? Even he, the by-stander, could see things but they themselves didn't even realize their own feelings. Well, time would tell them. He didn't need to intervene much now.

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