First Sight

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A/N: Heyo, this is our first fan fiction. All Destiel with tad of Sabriel. ;] We are both intense fangirls, but if we do happen to make a mistake either grammatically or in quotes/references from the show please be sure to comment and tell us! Here is chapter 1, enjoy!


I bolt up into a sitting position on my bed, it was the first day of school and I was not used to my new alarm clock. My last one broke in the move three days ago. I hit the snooze button and lie down, as soon as my head makes contact with the pillow a banging at the door makes my heart skip a beat.

"Dean wake up, it's the first day of school!"

How is that kid so damn excited about school?

"Sammy, I'm sleeping."

"Sam" he mumbles in a much less enthusiastic tone. "Sleep is for the weak" he calls back at me with the joy sounding through his voice again.



I groan as I stretch my muscles getting out of bed. Lazily, I walk over to the bathroom and hop into the shower. As the steady stream of hot water flows down my body I think about how my first day is going to go. Not good.

No matter how many times I had started at a new school it always went the same way. I get in with the "cool" kids and have to pretend to enjoy their company.

The hot water starts turning cold, bringing me back to reality, I decided to get out. The fluffy towel feels nice on my broken body. As I look in the mirror I see the bruises that run down my stomach and sides along with the thin white scars that go up my arm. Memories come flooding back from the past, but I quickly push them to the back of my mind. Today is not going to start with this.


After I make sure Dean is going to get up I sprint down the stairs to make us both breakfast. After cracking four eggs into a pan and getting some bacon started in another. I pop two pieces of bread in the toaster.

Just as I am loading the food onto the plates, I hear Dean coming down the stairs and Into the kitchen.

"BACON!!" How shouts as he jumps into a chair at the table.

"Yeah, you're welcome"

"Oh, sassy today aren't we?"

"Shut up and eat your food"

At this point Dean's mouth is too full for him to talk, yet he continues to shovel it in.


Sammy makes the best food ever, my plate quickly empties and I thank Sam for making it.

"Come on Sammy it's the first day of school hurry up and eat so we can get going." I am not excited about school but I know Sammy is, and I would do anything for that kid.

He picks up the pace and finishes his food too, we carry our plates to the sink and drop them in. Sammy runs out the door before I can even grab my keys, when I get outside he is fiddling with the door handle of my beloved 67' Chevy Impala.

"Hey, be careful with my baby"

"If you would unlock the door this wouldn't be happening" he replies, tugging harder. I walk over to the door and unlock it. Sam swings the door open jumping into the passenger seat in one swift motion.

Once in the car he immediately begins talking about something to do with computers, I just ignore him and crank up the radio. I smile softly when I hear Back in Black by ACDC begin to play. When Sam stops talking I blast the music and the complaining starts.

The Loner And The Jock {Destiel Highschool AU}Where stories live. Discover now