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4 am...

They had ramen for supper and while eating, they had multiple breakdowns. Ja Yoo accepted the fact that her lady is now in love with a man. She accepts it but it still breaks her. Han Jin accepted too and she have no hate towards Jungkook. Neither Ja Yoo hates Bang Chan.

They accepted and trying their very very best to understand each other. No matter what, they love each other still. They don't wish to lose each other now. But they know they want to be with Bang Chan and Jungkook. Both of them are thinking what are they going to do now? They're getting married in less than 30 hours.

"Marriage or Bang Chan?" - Ja Yoo asked. Han Jin look at her fiancée, and sigh.

"Both." - she answered. That would be Ja Yoo's answer if Han Jin asked that.

"I want you to love Bang Chan more." - Ja Yoo said, smiling softly to Han Jin.

Han Jin got shocked by that, which made her cry. "Don't say that." - she said, hugging Ja Yoo. Her lady laughs, caressing Han Jin's head. Han Jin grab her phone, letting Ja Yoo see the screen too.

"I love you, you know that." - Han Jin said. Ja Yoo nods.

"I love you too, babe." - Ja Yoo said and kissed Han Jin's cheeks. By just that, they agreed to call off the wedding without actually saying anything. By just instinct and telepathy, they agreed that is the best for them.

10 am...

"It's done." - Han Jin said. Ja Yoo felt goosebumps all over her body, knowing Han Jin will not be her wife. They don't wish to end their relationship. Not now at least.

"Should we have a talk to our guests?" - Ja Yoo asked. Han Jin nods. They sent text to their guests, saying the wedding is canceled. In return and as a sorry, they will be getting tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood.

"I think it's best we talk to our parents. Don't tell the boys yet. We'll have a talk with them privately, together." - Han Jin said. Ja Yoo nods.

Ja Yoo's P.O.V

"You did the same with Bang Chan, and now to Han Jin? What is wrong with you, Kim Ja Yoo?" - appa asked, frowning.

"It's both their fault, honey. They both cheated on each other." - eomma said. I sigh.

"But we are still engaged. We are not separated. Yet." - I added.

"What good would it be if you and Jungkook are together? Are you going to cheat on him too?" - eomma asked.

"I hope not." - I said, sighing.

"And the both of you called off the wedding so easily. As if it's just a game. Both of you are crazy." - appa said.

"A ticket to Universal Studios Hollywood won't shut the guests up. Thank god we didn't invite everyone." - he added.

"I'm sorry, eomma, appa." - i said, looking down. A knock came on the door. Eomma went to the door and open it.

"My child, come on in." - i heard eomma said. I turn to see who is it. It's my lady. She walks in, giving my mom a bow and a bow to my dad. She sits next to me, holding my hand.

"So it's done?" - appa asked. Han Jin nods.

"I've informed my parents." - she said. Appa sigh.

"I just want to remind you girls."

"With whoever your future partner is, stay loyal. I know you both are in pain but you are just keeping it in. Loyal girls, loyal. No more cheating." - appa remind us.

That night...

We invited the boys to our room. They have zero clue about the cancellation and also about the whole chaos. The door bell rings. They're here. I look at Han Jin. She seems nervous. I am too. We went to the door and open it.

It's Bang Chan and Jungkook. "Hi ladies." - Bang Chan greeted us with a smile. We invited them in. Bang Chan immediately gives me a hug, and wants to give me a kiss. I stop him.

"Did I do something wrong?" - he asked. I look to Han Jin who is looking at us. She turns around and walk away. I break the hug and shake my head.

"Nothing." - i said simply and walk ahead. I sit next to Han Jin, whose sitting at the dining table. Jungkook sits across me and Bang Chan, sitting across Han Jin.

"So, what's up?" - Jungkook asked.

"Y'all nervous?" - Chan asked, and giggles. Han Jin and I look at each other. I take a deep breath and let go.

"We have called off the wedding." - I said. They widened their eyes in shock.



They asked. "Chan-ah, Jungkook, we both know the secrets." - Han Jin said.

"What secret?" - Chan asked, raising his eyebrows.

"That Han Jin is your secret girlfriend, Bang Chan." - I said, looking in his eyes. He widened his eyes, and avoided eye contact with me.

"And, Ja Yoo is your secret girlfriend, Jungkook." - Han Jin said. Bang Chan looks up, only to look at Jungkook.

"I've always wanted you to have a girlfriend. And you did, why didn't you tell me, dude?" - I asked to Bang Chan, with a shaky voice. I see tears dropping down to his chin. He shake his head and sniffed.

"I-I wanted to.. but I couldn't." - he stuttered.

"I'm sorry, babe. I am so sorry that I ruin your wedding and love life." - he said, crying. I wipe my tears, looking at Han Jin. She's crying as well.

"Nothing to be sorry." - i said, smiling.

"Take care of her." - I said, feeling a lump on my throat. Han Jin immediately hugs me tightly. Bang Chan slowly nods, and I give him a smile. I kiss Han Jin's cheeks, caressing her back.

"We're still engage, babe. Please don't say that." - Han Jin said, breaking the hug. I smile.

"Just reminding." - i said. I turn to Jungkook who is so quiet.

"I'm sorry for everything, Han Jin." - Jungkook said, looking at her eyes. My lady shake her head, smiling.

"Just like Ja Yoo said, take care of her." - Han Jin said. Now that hits different. Now i get what she meant. I know I'm not ready to let go of her, and to hear that really sucks and super scary.

"Take care of her, bro." - Bang Chan said to Jungkook. And that breaks me more. Fuck.

The night was filled with cries and explanation. No one was arguing or mad. We hear and try our best to understand and accept this fate. Since Han Jin and I are still engaged, we decide to stay that way for a while, to adapt things.

Aye! Alright dudes, first off, I am very sorry for not updating! First, I was going through some stuff and took me awhile to recover. Right after that, I started binging on All Of Us Are Dead. Pretty late to watch but heh, still I'm watching 😂 did you guys watch it? I'm only at episode 8. Damn.

Anyways, the ladies called off their wedding! But now the question is, what will their life be after this? Wanna know? You gotta stay tune dude! Next time, I won't take long to update alright! So sorry once again! Next update will be in 3-4 days! So look out for that!

ig: kwonkimminjeon
ig: on.e_day  (kpop vocal covers)
youtube: KwonKimMinJeon
inkitt: kwonkimminjeon
ig: kpoopkween (kpop podcast)

28/5/22, 28th May 2022

-KwonKimMinJeon 💕

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