The Beginning of something magical (ch. 2)

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While running off in the other direction I notice a blue-ish portal looking object on the other side of the woods. Staring at it for about five minutes, I get the idea to take off towards it. Making my way to the portal, I take in the lovelyness and strangeness of it. Hell, If I knew the directions to this place, I'd go every day. I don't even know for sure that there is a way out. I'm taking too much time trying to get to this portal. Next thing I know I'm running. But not any normal speed. I feel like I'm going faster, much faster than I have ever thought I could go before. Finally reaching the portal I throw a rock in it to make sure its safe. "hopefully that rock is safe, it had much to live for", I say laughing like an idiot to myself. Reaching my hand into the portal I fly into it

"Ow!", I say as my feet hit the ground hard from the inpact. Somehow I get the idea of making an weapon as soon as I spotted another portal. Running straight to a river bank, I grab some watery dirt from the bottom of the bank, some sticks and a stone. I take a smaller stone also and lay all the items across the dirt. I grab the small stone and the big one and attempt to sharpen the big one. When It's finally pointy enough on one end, I make a hole on the other end big enough for the stick to fit into. I gather some of  the mushy watery dirt and wedge a little bit of it into the hole then wedge the stick into the hole also. Somehow, I have managed to make a short hand sword that would probably break if it touched anything. Hopefully this will count as a weapon. Next I look around for the portal, when I spot it I gather my failed sword and run towards it. When I reach it there is a watch on the ground near it and I grab It and take off into the portal without thinking.

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