Chapter 22 - A Dance That Will Never Be Forgotten

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(Killua's pov)

"When is the dance?" I ask Gon, as he finishes kissing my cheek. "Tomorrow morning!" Gon said, excited. I smiled at the excited boy in front of me. "I can't wait." I replied, giggling and giving Gon a kiss on the cheek.

"So who are you going with Kurapika?" I ask, smirking. Kurapika looks down at the ground. "Leorio-" He said. "Oreo?" Luffy said butting in. "Oreos are yummy!" "I love Oreos too!" Gon said, grinning. "Idiots! He said Leorio, as in the old man with the small glasses!" I said, hitting Luffy and Gon in the back of the head as Kurapika laughed, almost spitting out his tea.

"Alright, I have to go. I have classes to go to." I said, frowning. "But Killuaaaaa!" Gon says, grabbing my arm. "I gotta go." I somehow got Gon off of me, then kissed him on the forehead and walked to my next class.

(The next day)

"WAKE UP Q TIP HAIR!" Aunt Mito shouted, throwing a pie that I just barely doged. "Go away old hag!" I shouted back as there was clearly anger in the air. "You've infected my child with your gayness for too long!" Gon runs up and yells. "Both of you calm down!" Aunt Mito sighs and leaves to go cook while Gon runs up to me and checks to make sure I'm okay. "Are you okay, Killua?!" Gon asked as I blushed. "Shut up Baka! Stop worrying about me... I'm fine." I replied, blushing.

I stand up and look at Gon. "We need to get dressed for the dance. It's in a hour." I say and Gon nods. We both get ready and meet in the living room. "Killua, you look so pretty!" Gon shouts, smiling. "Baka!" I reply, embarrassed.

Kurapika pulls up in a car with Leorio and we get in, we then arrive at the dance. Gon wraps his arm around mine and I blush slightly.

 Gon wraps his arm around mine and I blush slightly

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(This is what they look like)

"Killua! This is so exciting!" Gon spoke, grinning. "Your so embarrassing... Stop shouting!" I replied, embarrassed. We walked inside where music was playing and couples were dancing together. I smiled when I noticed Leorio and Kurapika had already wondered off to dance together. 'They are just like an old couple.' I thought, laughing to myself. Gon pulled me through the crowd, a big smile on his face. There were lots of different couples dancing and friends chilling with soda hanging out.

Then the music changed... One of my favorite songs. "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. Gon knows I love this song so he pulls me to dance with him. We both dance together, blush sprinkling my cheeks and Gon's smile lighting up my heart like nothing else can. 'What did I do to deserve someone so perfect?' I asked myself, continuing to dance with him. I spun Gon around carefully, dancing as if this were the last dance I'd ever do.

Gon turns to me again and quickly kisses me on the nose. I smiled, blushing. "You missed." I said as I leaned forward and I kissed him on the mouth quickly. I ever so slightly see blush appear on his cheeks then the song ends, picking up a faster song.

We dance and dance throughout the whole day, kisses, smiles and all the cliché stuff I thought I'd never be able to do. All of the sudden like the snap of a finger it's night time and the dance that lasted all day was over. "Aw... I wanted to dance even more!" Gon said, still as full of energy as ever. I on the other hand was tired. "Let's go home Gon." I spoke, tired. "Okay Killua..." Gon replied, picking me up piggy back style and bringing me out of the building. Normally I would put up a fight but I'm too tired now...

(Nobody's pov)

And with that Killua falls asleep on Gon's back, arms wrapped around Gon's neck.

Writers Note:

Writer: Hey, I'm back! How's the chapter? I tried to make this one sweet and full of fluff! I hope everyone here enjoyed it. Anyways please star the chapter, follow me and have a lovely day!

(700 words)

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