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It was two in the morning and everyone in the Madrigal household was asleep apart from one person. Bruno Madrigal stood infront of his son's room, hand outstretched. It felt like there was something stuck in his throat, barely making enough room for him to breathe.

Bruno took a deep breath and quietly opened the door, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him. The room was dark with purple fairy lights illuminating the walls. There were small bookshelves that held books about history, pencils and papers were scattered ontop of the bookshelves and on a wooden desk.

In the middle of the room was a dome-like shape, inside the dome was a bed with an eight year old sleeping soundly under the fluffy black and purple sheets.

A small smile that contained sadness brought itself onto Bruno's face as he walked towards the dome. He sat down gently on the bed and brushed a small strand of curly hair away from Karlos's face.

"I'm so sorry, Karlos.." Bruno whispered, his eyes started to water. The older male reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper and a bracelet. He placed them carefully beside Karlos's pillow.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way, but I have to leave." Bruno whispered, sorrow in his voice. He placed a gentle kiss onto the boy's forehead and then stood up.

He walked towards the door, stopping and looking back towards his sleeping son. "I'll miss you.." He whispered before leaving.


Dark green eyes fluttered awake after hearing a knock at his door and someone call out to him to wake up. A noise of complaint left his throat as he slowly pushed himself up. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and let out a yawn. He clicked his fingers which made the purple lights become slightly brighter.

Karlos looked to his right to see something beside his pillow. Confused, he pushed his blanket off of him and picked it up. He looked at the bracelet before starting to read the note.

- -

Dear Karlos,

I hope you find this when you wake up, and I'm sorry for how upset this may make you.

I have left because people hate me, they hate me because of my gift.

I wish I could take you with me, but I dont know how I would take care of you in bad conditions. It's much better for you to stay here.

I'm so sorry for leaving you alone, but I'm sure Pepa and Julietta will take good care of you.

I love you so much,

Your papa, Bruno

- -

Karlos stared at the letter, processing what he had just read. Tears formed in his eyes and started rolling down his face. His papa was gone, he had left him.

The boy slipped the bracelet onto his right hand and got up. He ran out of his room without getting dressed and went to find Juilietta.

Running into the kitchen, he found her working on breakfast. "Tía Juilietta!" Karlos cried out.

Juilietta put everything down and turned around, seeing the state of her nephew. Worry filled her as she rushed over and pulled him into a hug. "Karlos, what's wrong?" She asked the child.

Karlos shook as he sobbed into her shoulder. "Papa is gone! He left!"

The woman's eyes widened. "Bruno.. left..?"

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