The Christmas Party :)

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Hello! Welcome! This has been cross-posted on AO3 as well, so if you see it somewhere other than here on Wattpad or there on AO3, that is not me! So, I was hoping to have this out by Christmas, but I wanted to make sure it was edited for you guys. The thousand or so words I had soon expanded to a bit under three thousand. Oops? Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy reading this story as much as I did writing it :)

"Are you sure you want to follow through with this?"

"They're your best friends. Of course, I want to."

"Maybe so, but I'm sure Phil and the others would understa—"

"Wilbur, I already said that I was willing to come with you. I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't want to go."

Wilbur snorted while glancing at George with a fond look. Earlier that day, Phil had told Will about a get-together. It was gonna be a small group with only Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Techno, Phil, and Wilbur. As both Ranboo and Techno were in the UK, Phil had thought it a good idea to throw together a Christmas party.

"I'd like to invite one more person," Phil had said over Discord call, "but I don't know who."

They'd thrown out different suggestions until it dawned on the older man who to ask.

"Hey, you know how you've been saying that you're in a relationship, right? How about you bring them along?"

"Sure, but only if they say yes," Wilbur had answered.

That soon turned into him asking George, which led to the present time.

"Besides," George said, bringing Wilbur from his thoughts, "if we want, we can say that your partner didn't want to go, and you invited me instead."

"But that feels like I'm hiding you from them," Wilbur argued lightly.

"I mean, we kind of already were."

"I know, but I wanted to be able to have my time with you to myself before everyone else got to you."

George rolled his eyes with a hum and relaxed into the kiss Wilbur just happened to place right there.

The streamers had been dating for a few months. As much as George wished they could go public, he also knew the consequences of what would happen if they did go public.

"Anyways, we should probably get going," Wilbur spoke. "It's quite the trip to Phil's, and I'd wager we'd spend the night."

"Yeah, probably," George agreed.

The two went to their separate rooms (although they usually slept together nowadays) to pack. Once the door was shut, George sighed and placed a hand over his stomach. Since getting up that morning, he'd felt off. The shorter Brit didn't think he was getting sick (at least, George hoped he wasn't), but he didn't want to ruin Christmas for Wilbur. Finally, he moved away from his door and started packing.


For most of the trip, Wilbur and George were on the train. George was settled next to Wilbur, his head on the taller Brit's shoulder, dozing. They continued the journey to Phil's house, their backpacks full of a day's worth of clothes on their backs. As they boarded a bus, George felt a bit lightheaded. Once more, he leaned his head on Will's shoulder, the older male's fingers running through his hair.

"You feel okay?" Wilbur asked him.

"'M fine," George waved off. "Just a bit tired, I suppose."

"If you're sure."

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