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I wrote this at a party when I had no wifi-
So bit of backstory: I was bored after sitting there for 2 hours and decided to write this cuz some dude was sitting with me and my sister and we don't know him so I couldn't really do anything else but do something silently-

Camilo's pronouns are she/they here cuz I said so, and she hasn't come out yet so their family says he/him(but it'll be underlined like this)

Camilo didn't like themselves. Actually, no that's wrong, she didn't like their appearance. She didn't like the way their bone structure looked, she didn't like the way their arms, and legs looked lankier than any else in the famous Madrigal family. She were known as "the skinny teenage son of Pepa and Félix Madrigal" She hated it. She hated every goddamn part of it. Constantly shifting into different people, different body types, made them feel self-conscious of their own. Oh, how she wished that she looked like the rest of their family, somewhat plump but not near the amount to label them as "fat". She also hated the way the clothes she wore seemingly everyday felt itchy against their skin, and how looking at themselves wearing it in the mirror for too long made them feel disgusting. She wishes she could wear something similar to Dolores' and Isabella's seemingly flowy and free skirts. Hell, sometimes she shifted into them just to feel how free that damn skirt made them feel. So that's what she did. Well- tried to do.

Camilo felt themselves shift, but when she opened their eyes, she wasn't greeted by their older hermanas big brown eyes and plump shaded dark red lips, or their prima Isabela's seemingly perfect face, instead she was greeted with a funked up version of themselves. One eye its original hazel color whilst the other, a green that could only be described as the same intoxicating green that appeared when Tío Bruno had his visions. Their hair was a bit longer too, not as long as Isabela's but yet not as short as Mirabel's, their brown curls were instead about shoulder length, a few strands passing their ,once bulky, now somewhat rounded shoulders. Dangly sort of, diamond earrings on both their ears.

And don't even get them started on what she was wearing. It was a a sort of- blouse? No that's not it. More of like a loose top similar to the one's almost all the females wore in the village. The skirt, yes skirt, they were wearing was the same yellow-ish orange color as their rauna, even having the little chameleon design adorning it too.

She spun around, in awe at their newly found appearance. She twirled again, this time giggling like a 1 year old when an adult went "Peek-a-boo!". She kept twirling, giggling turning into laughing as she swayed on the stage that was set up in their room, courtesy of their Gift. She swayed and laughed, dancing freely, finally feeling free in their own skin. Casita did her part, by rhythmically tapping her tiles, and aiding them do more complex spins. She felt like a ballerina. She felt happy. She felt free.

Then the horrid truth hit them like a ton of bricks. "What would the family think?" Panic quickly flooded their senses, what would their family think of this?

¿Camilo? ¡Es hora de desayunar! ¡Prepárate! ¡Te estamos esperando!" She heard their mother's voice through the enchanted door. Speak of the devil. "¡Yeah... un segundo, mamá!" She quickly attempted to shift back into their default self but when she opened their eyes;nothing changed.

"Huh?" A breathless whisper came out of their mouth in shock. But she felt themselves shift back into their original skin. "What-" that's when she realized: She feels as if their in their own skin yet, the empty feeling was gone. "Is this," touching their newly found face, "me..?"

A loud knocking ripped them from their thoughts. "¡Ay! ¡Hijo! Hurry up! Your mother's starting to form a cloud! Clear skies, mi amor, clear skies." She heard their father whisper to their mother. She quickly shifted into their 'default' self the same Camilo everyone knew, she opened their eyes and sure enough; there was the lanky teenage boy of the Madrigal family. The empty feeling was back too, huh, premium feature I guess.

She turned to walk over to the door, but Casita knowing how late she already was, decided to slide them instead. The tiles shifted pulling Camilo along like a conveyer belt, the door flew open and practically threw them down the stairs, into the kitchen, and all the way to their seat, breakfast on their signified plate already.

"Ah, so nice of you to finally join us Camilo." Abuela said pointing daggers at Camilo. "Sorry, Abuela. Overslept." She said sweat dropping and quickly scarfing down their Tia Julieta's heavenly cooking. "Don't stuff your face, it isn't polite mijo." Pepa said taking a napkin and wiping their face of all the crumbs and cheesy goodness. "Ma! Quit it!" She said, tugging their face away from the napkin.

Dolores, along with the children giggled/laughed at this. "It's not funny." She said finally being set free from their mother's hands, and of course, ignoring their mother's orders and continuing to scarf down their food.

The rest of the day was a blur. When she got outside, she immediately got on with their tasks, helping Señora Cecila with her baby, helping Alejandro with his wagon, and assisting José with his house. All in all, a typical day. By the time she arrived home, it was still early afternoon so no one was home since all the others had more complex tasks(Mirabel was helping Isabela with her cacti garden). So she immediately dashed into their room, Casita remaking that conveyer belt action again to help, and shut the door behind them. She would usually lock it, but she was too excited to turn the knob. She quickly shifted back to the form from earlier, actually, no not a form. It was their true form. Themselves. She smiled as she felt the skirt, bellow against their ankles.

She immediately started laughing, only now realizing the slight, more feminine, pitch change in their voice, not like she minded. She started twirling, Casita again doing her part and helping spin them, around whilst making some sort of makeshift music by tapping her tiles in a nice rhythm. She was having so much fun. Picking up their skirt, and dancing the same way as she saw their mother do one night a while back(minus the rain). She was having so much fun, she didn't hear the door click open, but she did hear a gasp emerge from behind them. She quickly turned, mortified, her one hazel, one intoxicating green eyes met dull brown.

"T-tío Bruno!"
Should I continue this?
Word count: 1171

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