"I will always love you."

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Disclaimer:Camilo's pronouns are she/they here but since she has yet to come out to their family she will be misgendered as he/him

Also slightly,very slightly, toxicating the Madrigals here- sorry bout that but this is for premium angst with happy ending to make up for lost time :]]

Also I strongly dislike the cliche of "singing to calm someone down"/ song fics, no offense to writers who like that obviously! I just don't think it's my strong suit really. But I attempted for you guys! <3

(If you don't recognize the lyrics, it's "You Are My Sunshine" by Jasmine Thompson!)


Mirabel was currently panicking. Her primo was currently passed out on the bathroom floor. Blood staining not only the toilet bowl; but himself as well, thankfully it was only on the corner of his mouth and a slight stain on his hand. The rest of their family didn't even acknowledge his sudden weirdness deeming it as "Rude teenage boy things". Tio Bruno was in his tower, most likely asleep so he couldn't help things.

"C-camilo?" Mirabel called, as she lowered to her knees and carefully cradled his head. He didn't respond, the only sound coming from him being soft breathing. Mirabel sighed in relief, at least he was breathing. She scooped him up, slightly stumbling back due to him being lighter than she anticipated.

"Was he always this light?" Mirabel thought as she carried him up the stairs to his room. As she reached out for his doorknob she stopped short. She hadn't actually been in his room for like- 11 years. And she remembers one time that he had mentioned that it shifts based on his emotions or something, how would that look if he was unconscious? But then again, all the rooms changed designs after Casita was rebuilt so it might not be like that anymore.

She cautiously opened the door, only to gawk at the sight. The room, the whole room, was pitch black. A small, what looked like a hole, in the far-off corner while only a singular mirror was in the very center of the room.

"I-is this how it always looks..?" She mumbled, she had mustered up the courage to actually dare take a step in the room. She glanced down at the boy sleeping in her arms. She felt bad for him.

She then walked in the direction of the "hole". She ducked inside and was pretty amazed at the sight; there was a yellow bed in the corner, a big closet to the left of it, and a bunch of what looked like wind chimes and lights hanging from the ceiling. Mirabel carefully put her primo down on the bed. She sat about a foot away from him, giving him some space. But he didn't seem to like that since in an instant, tears were welling from his eyes as he missed the contact of his prima.

Mirabel immediately ran over to her primo's side.

"It's ok. It's ok. I'm here, Camilo." She said putting the boy's head on her lap, he calmed down immediately after that, the only sound from him returning to little snores. Mirabel exhaled in relief as she saw him calm down.

"¿Qué te pasó Camilo?" She mumbled under breath as she ran her fingers through her cousin's curly locks, careful to miss any knots. As if he heard her, Camilo started to slightly squirm, his breath going a bit unstable.

Mirabel knew what it was. A nightmare. When they were in the nursery together, he had them quite often; no one knew why, not even Camilo himself. The symptoms of him having one were one of those memories that you are vividly reminded of.

But- Mirabel didn't know what to do. She hadn't been there to comfort him from his night terrors for what? 11-12 years now? It was always Tia Pepa or Dolores that calmed him down nowadays. Hell she's pretty sure she's seen Tio Bruno do it once or twice since they've gotten closer.

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