Chapter 31-40

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CHAPTER 31: Take money to redeem

    After that day, Bian Yan would go to the little black house to see the black-hearted sisters and brothers, and every day he would bring them some food with added ingredients.

    For example, Bian Zhen specially formulated the aphonic medicine. Although she would not adjust the antidote, the aphonia period of this medicine was only a few days.

    At the age of more than 20 years, before the end of the world, it was the temperament of the eldest and the young master. After the end of the world, the two awakened the evolution and the supernatural powers. Although their lives are not smooth, they are also enviable compared to others. Up.

    The two people who had never been so insulted in their lives were able to discuss how to escape in the first two days, but after being disappointed again and again, the two of them gradually lost their eyes, wishing they could end their lives with death, but unfortunately they finally Still can't deal with myself.

    Day after day, the siblings looked at the dense vents above them, despair filled their eyes, and even their psychological defenses gradually collapsed.

    Seeing a little bit of sunlight outside, the two wanted to bathe in the outside sunlight, but unfortunately they didn't know if there was any chance in this life. When they thought that Bian Yan might keep them in this way for the rest of their lives, their eyes were nothing but despair. fear.

    They want to leave here, they don't want to live in this dark basement all their lives.

    It was getting dark, and Yunsu arrived in her food truck after Bianzhen's business ended. Because he came with a mask, no one recognized him as Yunsu, the head of the ice-holding mercenary group.

    After all, in their eyes, Yunsu, as the leader of such a large mercenary group, had no time to drill into their corners.

    "Uncle Yun is good." Looking at the familiar face after taking off the mask, An An walked over with a smile and grabbed the corner of Yun Su's clothes. He liked this gentle uncle very much.

    "Good An An, listen to your mother, you know how to write your own name?" Looking at An An with bright and energetic eyes, Yun Su smiled and asked after picking up the person.

    "Yeah, An An will write his name." An An nodded fiercely, and then struggling to jump off Yun Su, and ran toward the desk with a steady, small step.

    "Found the spy." Bian Yan smiled and glanced at An An who was writing at the table, and then put the hot water in his hand in front of Yun Su. The little guy has become more and more lively recently.

    "Well, people from Zhou and Di have been contacting her a few days ago, but they didn't meet until last night." Speaking of the spy, a coldness flashed in Yun Su's eyes, because he never thought it was her.

    "Although Gu Hanyu's mental power is very high, she can't control the person she is looking at if she has perseverance." Bian Yan said with her arms around her chest, leaning on the car wall and looking at Yun Su. If she guessed right, Gu Hanyu The current mental power level is intermediate.

    "You're right. Those who can be manipulated by him are people with insufficient perseverance." Thinking of the spy caught last night, Yun Su doesn't think she is innocent, because as Bian Yan said, there is only perseverance in the supernatural beings. People who are not tough enough will be manipulated by mental power. This also shows that she herself has opened a gap for Gu Hanyu. After interrogation last night, it really proved that she had thought of Bian Yan as an imaginary enemy, and jealousy and hatred made her show his feet.

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