Chapweter 1

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Notra makes her way to class. as she walks in she sees the who the trnafesrer student his sitting nexxt to her. She thinks to herself"no way anmi gonna hbe sitting next to h-h-h-him. I HATE HIM with my all guts she thinks to herslef" as shge makse her way to seat, Mamamaon pulls her seat out before she can sit and she lands with a googlgolowaujgboop. Lucklily her huge big hunka chunka large badonker butt causght her fall. she glared at ammanon and he giggled at her. Nora rushings around the calss to get t o her seat. as the lesson start, mooman grabs her hand while hiding his face. Nora, shoced, says "W-w-w-w--w-w--w--w-w-w--w-w-w-w--w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what are you doing?!" She hesitantly pulls her hand aay. Mamonm slides his hand from the table and to her huge big hunka chunka large badonker butt. She ggggligles but doesn't let it show and jhkeekps hjer face as seriosus as she can get it. Shr blushings as she looks over at mmoanam, seeing that he is looking at her as whell. Once the class is told to take out their computers, Nora hears a reconizable intro blast nect to her. Mamonm then shuts his computer and takes out his books instead. Nora sees him and laughs"how pathetic! sSHARTE WJHAT YOU WERE JSTU WATCHING. I WANT TO SEE TOO." MAMON THEN THROWS THE COMPUTER AT HER FACE and it break s into shards. "MR.MAMOOM, GO TO THE OFFICE NOW" as mamo9n walks to the office princlfal. Nora says "BYE LOSER HAHAHAHHASJHFJHERHERHERHRER" her laufhs turn demonic. The teacher says"NOREA GO TO THE OFFICE WITH MOMMON. YOUboth need to be taught a lesson. Nora waggles her eybrows to the teacher and gives hima peck on the cheek on the way out fo the cloass. The teacher blushes but continutes the less. to be conryinued.

As nora and mom walk to the prinicpal offiece, maom trips nora nad she falls on her face, causin her huge big hunka chunka large badonker butt to jiggle like level 5 eatrthquake. moomon blusehs and he begisn to get worny with rage and anger and deprestion. Nora shorots back up and hits mornaom in the face eith her knee. "oW YOU GET NBACK HERE BEFORE I CU-i-i-i-i-mean..." he says as he tucks his heiar behind his ear shyly. once they reach the prinicple office, NORA sits her huge big hunka chunka large badonker butt on the chair and it breaks, causing her to fall on maromons lap. " she says "s-s-s-s-s-s-s--s-ss---s-s-s-s-s-s-s-ssory maom i t wwas an accident. i-i-i--i amd such a clujmsy person. she then accidenltyaly places her hand on his.............................................................cocaine. "YOU DO DRUGS?! why didn'y you give me any?????" maone sasy" i-i-i-i-i-i-- hey those are mine and mine only. im hight as a kite right now-i i-i-i-i-i--i eman i diudn't want to share that secret with anyone. as soon as nora is about to quip, the pricnipal walks up and ask them to follow her to her dungeon-i eman office. as they are walking, momamn truips nora and she falls face first into the ground once again. she queefs so loudly that a moan cvame out and it shuck the building. sh cant stop queefing and ends up peeing on the groumd. "oh my goodness so ebearassing," she gets up and slaps mmoema in the face. "YOU! GIMME DATH COCAINE NOEW!" she says in ehr demonic demon voice. mmoanmmea starts to quiver in fear and rage amnd deprestion and pees himself too. to be contirneted.

Once they both leave the preiciaalp office, mom looks at nora and says," lok, i don't think we should jsit be lovers. we should be  lovers instead." he looks at nroa with a sincere look in his eyes. "I agree. truth is ever since the moment i met you...i cant stop queefing about you-I MEAN THINKING about you...." a teardroping dropings down his cheek. He says"oh nora, how i love you withh all of my balls. " Nora is shocked and is relieved to hear him say that after so long. Nora says"hey i know i jstu met you 10 minutes ago but.."she gets down on one knee and says," will you ...mory me?" Mona squeeaks in excitedment. "YES I WILL" they run off into the lcokers rooms. as they are running to the licker rooms, momroamn puts nora in a romantinc chokehold. He then throws her against the wall as he takes off his shirt. Nora runs her 15 inch nails across his chest and absticles. Moamon pulls her hair to get her excited but pulls of her wig. "oh o-o-o--o-o-o-oops s-s-s--sorry," he said nervously. just then, mamon realizes that seeing her bald shiny graeasy baldi heads mekes him want her even more. he takes off his pants to reveal more bags of cocaine. they sniff it together in teh locker room while moremun huge big shiny hunka chunka large badonker is out. he bends down a liuttle bit more to get one more whiff and ends up queefing so hard he kills nora.

chapter 2.

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